BIBL 104 Quiz 8


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BIBL 104 Quiz 8.

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Which of the following is not one of the seven churches addressed in the book of Revelation
In Revelation, the problem that emerges with the seven-sealed scroll is that no one was found worthy to open it.
The dragon, who represents Satan, the old serpent the Devil, is one of the seven symbolic players in the eschatological drama of the book of Revelation.
In 1 John, John remind his audience what they already know, specifically that God hears and grants their prayer requests.
Jesus was not of the Levitical priesthood descended from the Levites but is God’s Son, and “a high priest forever in the order of Melchizedek”

BIBL 104 Quiz 8.

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The book of Hebrews contains 5 warnings. One of these warnings is
One challenge to Paul being the likely author of Hebrews is that Hebrews does not divide into two sections of doctrine and practice like the majority of Paul’s letters.
Which of the following is not something John claimed about love in 1 John?
In 1 Peter, Peter makes it clear that true Christian believers are different from the rest of the world because they were “born again to a living hope.”
James argues that “Just as the body without the spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead.”
According to 2 Peter, the Lord will return like a thief, unexpectedly, and will catch the unbelieving world unprepared even as He did when he swept Pharaoh’s army away.
Which of the following is not one of the new things found in the eternal state?

BIBL 104 Quiz 8.

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The book of Hebrews contains 5 warnings. One of these warnings is
According to the textbook, some scholars view Hebrews as a sermon or even as a series of sermons.
In the seven trumpets of judgment a rain of fire burns the vegetation.
In light of what Jesus has done, the author encourages his audience to:
In the seven trumpets of judgment the rivers are polluted by decomposing flesh.
In 3 John, John commends “the elect lady and her children for their faithfulness in lovingly helping fellow Christians and strangers.
The rock of refuge represents the church and believers everywhere and is one of the seven symbolic players in the eschatological drama of the book of Revelation.
was the persecuted church.

BIBL 104 Quiz 8.

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The author of Hebrews list several personal examples of faith. From this list select the one Biblical character that is not mentioned by the author of Hebrews in Hebrews 11:1-40.
Which of the following is not something John claimed about love in 1 John?
In James’ discussion on hearing and doing he uses the example of
In 2 Peter false teachers are characterized as bullish, sensational, and greedy.
In 1 John, John remind his audience what they already know, specifically that false teachers are seeking to “scratch their itchy ears.”
As a sinless priest, Jesus did not have to offer sacrifices for Himself as Aaron did.
James warns believers about
According to 1Peter, believers should submit to every Christian institution in order to silence the unfounded criticism of unbelievers.
In 1 John, John remind his audience what they already know, namely that they have a relationship with God.
was the preoccupied church
In the seven seal judgments the white horse stands for war
One challenge to Paul being the likely author of Hebrews is that stylistically the Greek of Hebrews seems more polished than that of Paul.
In the seven seal judgments the black horse stands for bloodshed
was the powerless church
The author of Hebrews explains what it means for Jesus to be the Mediator of a better covenant.
In Jesus’ priestly duties, he offered his own blood once and for all.
The book of Hebrews contains 5 warnings. One of these warnings is
was the persevering church
In 1 Peter believers are identified as
The author of Hebrews had a thorough knowledge of the Old Testament.
The book of Hebrews contains 5 warnings. One of these warnings is
According to Peter in 1 Peter, the new birth assures the believer of an inheritance that is imperishable, kept in heaven, and “protected by God’s power.
Jude directs his readers to “contend for the church that was instituted for the communion of the saints and the salvation of the world.”
James uses two Old Testament illustrations to show the works of people who were saved by faith. One of these is
In light of the examples of faith presented by the author of Hebrews, he encourages his readers to fix their eyes on Jesus and
Originally, Peter was a ___________ who lived in Capernaum.
Jude’s reference to both Old Testament examples and those of Jewish non-canonical books indicate his readers were Jewish Christians.
James reminds his readers that such trials are inevitable experiences that test our commitment to Christ.
The book of Revelation is addressed to the seven churches in Africa.
James uses two Old Testament illustrations to show the works of people who were saved by faith. One of these is

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BIBL 104 Quiz 8.

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According to our text, three of the Apostles were named James.
Peter reminds his readers that they are_________________, thus identifying them as citizens of another country, not primarily of this earth.
Peter’s first letter prepares believers for persecution and suffering; his second letter warns against false teaching and instructs Christians how to deal with heresy.
In what ways do Paul and James agree about faith and works?
Per the readings this week in our Illustrated Bible Survey text how should a believer react when facing trials?
If Jesus is our High Priest whose sacrifice of Himself is sufficient to pay for our sins, do we need anything else to save us?
The final chapters of Revelation describe the ultimate prophetic vision of the eternal state.
Scholars are clear on the authorship of Hebrews.
A key theological declaration of the book of Hebrews is….
In 2 Peter 1, we see that confidence in the divine inspiration of Scripture is the basis of our faith in its promises, prophecies, and principles.
Revelation does not depict Christ as a Lamb.
Bible prophecy is written to….
Jude warns against….

BIBL 104 Quiz 8.

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In Revelation, the seven bowl judgments are basically on the same objects as the trumpet judgments but with greater intensity.
According to 1 John, we can know for sure that we have eternal life for “God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. The one who has the Son has life. The one who doesn’t have the Son of God does not have life” (5:11–12).
According to our text, a figurative/symbolic usage seems less likely for the “elect lady” in 2nd John.
What does John mean by “walking in the light”?
In Revelation, before the Apocalypse pronounces a message of judgment on the unbelieving world, it first calls the__________ to repentance.
Why is the book of Hebrews so helpful for Jewish Christians?
What is the genre (style) of James’s writing?

This last book of the Bible describes itself as a “revelation of Jesus Christ” (1:1), an expression that functions as a title for the entire book.
Peter reminds his readers that they are_________________, thus identifying them as citizens of another country, not primarily of this earth.

BIBL 104 Quiz 8.

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Scholars are clear on the authorship of Hebrews.
Revelation does not depict Christ as a Lamb.
If Jesus is our High Priest whose sacrifice of Himself is sufficient to pay for our sins, do we need anything else to save us?
Peter’s first letter prepares believers for persecution and suffering; his second letter warns against false teaching and instructs Christians how to deal with heresy.
A key theological declaration of the book of Hebrews is….
Many scholars today opt for an eclectic approach to reading Revelation because it seeks to combine the strengths of several of the above approaches.
According to our text, a figurative/symbolic usage seems less likely for the “elect lady” in 2nd John.
In what ways do Paul and James agree about faith and works?
Bible prophecy is written to….
Why is the book of Hebrews so helpful for Jewish Christians?
Per the readings this week in our Illustrated Bible Survey text how should a believer react when facing trials?
What does John mean by “walking in the light”?
Jude warns against….
In 2 Peter 1, we see that confidence in the divine inspiration of Scripture is the basis of our faith in its promises, prophecies, and principles.
The final chapters of Revelation describe the ultimate prophetic vision of the eternal state.
Per Hayes and Duvall, we should approach Revelation with bold confidence, bordering on arrogance.
What is the genre (style) of James’s writing?
In Revelation, before the Apocalypse pronounces a message of judgment on the unbelieving world, it first calls the__________ to repentance.
In Revelation, the seven bowl judgments are basically on the same objects as the trumpet judgments but with greater intensity.
According to 1 John, we can know for sure that we have eternal life for “God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. The one who has the Son has life. The one who doesn’t have the Son of God does not have life” (5:11–12)

BIBL 104 Quiz 8.

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