Understanding the Unconscious and Personality


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Understanding the Unconscious and Personality

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The Research Paper will examine the foundation and progression of
personality through research based discussion of six major ideas
regarding personality theory and biblical integration. Be sure to review
the grading rubric.

1. The Research Paper must include 6-8 pages of text (not including the
title, abstract, or reference pages).
2. The six topics (Level 2 headings listed below) are the required
content of the paper including biblical integration in each section.
Level 1 headings (Foundations of Personality and Progression of
Personality) are also required as these are the overaching themes.

Understanding the Unconscious and Personality

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a. Nature versus Nurture and Personality
b. The Unconscious and Personality
c. View of Self and Personality
d. Development and Personality
e. Motivation and Personality
f. Maturation and Personality

3. The Research Paper must include in-text citations showing scholarly
research and not opinion. The paper is a presentation of scholarly
research regarding each of the required topics/headings.

Understanding the Unconscious and Personality

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4. There should be at least ten scholarly references (books and journal
articles). At least six of these references must be scholarly journal
articles. Do not use dictionaries, encyclopedias, websites, book
reviews, or your textbook as references in your paper. The Bible may be
used, but it does not count toward the 10 scholarly references.
5. Be sure to follow current APA formatting per the current APA manual.
In-text citations must be included. Paraphrasing with citations is
strongly preferred over direct quotes. If there are not any in-text
citations in this assignment, a grade of zero will be assigned.

The Research Paper must be submitted as a Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx)
Abstrack and references are already included from previous order.

Understanding the Unconscious and Personality

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