Dreams, Deceit, and Truth in “Inception


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Dreams, Deceit, and Truth in “Inception”  Method and Meditations on First Philosophy, Rene Descartes

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Dreams, Deceit, and Truth in “Inception” Reading: Descartes’ Meditations
on First Philosophy View the movie “Inception”, a film focusing on a
team of corporate espionage experts attempting to perform “inception” on
the heir of a powerful corporation. As you view the film, consider the
following questions. You will hand in a typed explanation of your
answers for the questions (in essay form).

Parallels between the movie “Inception” and the book iscourse on Method
and Meditations on First Philosophy, Rene Descartes

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The essay will be 3 pages,
double-spaced. Cite specific examples from the film to support your
claims. 1. What are the thematic parallels between “Inception” and
Meditations I, II, and VI?2. What is the meaning of the final scene? 3.
Given your answer to 2, are Truman (from The Truman Show) and Cobb
similar? Explain.You are not to consult secondary sources for this
essay. This includes internet sources. See the section on plagiarism in
the syllabus for the policy that governs this class. No quoting, but
paraphrasing in your own words if necessary.

Parallels between the movie “Inception” and the book iscourse on Method
and Meditations on First Philosophy, Rene Descartes

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