NR 222 Unit 6 Exam 2 Questions & Answers


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NR 222 Unit 6 Exam 2 Questions & Answers.

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NR 222 Unit 6 Exam 2 Questions & Answers

  1. Question: The nurse incorporates cultural considerations into the health teaching plan by:
  2. Question: The communication of health information in a manner which is clear and understandable to the client is known as:
  3. Question: Nurses have a responsibility to ensure health literacy when providing health education. What are some strategies that nurses can use to promote health literacy? (select all that apply)
  4. Question: The nurse utilizes strategies associated with client-centered communication by doing which of the following? (select all that apply)
  5. Question: What are some ethical standards that nurses can utilize for interpersonal communications? (select all that apply)
  6. Question: Which of the following scenarios best describes a nurse using metacommunication?
  7. Question: The nurse is teaching a class to students of pediatric nursing on comparing the concepts of growth and development. Which statement most accurately represents these concepts?
  8. Question: A nurse is attending a continuing education program about growth and development. Why is it necessary that nurses are well educated about this content? (select all that apply)
  9. Question: The school nurse is working on a campaign in the school to prevent adolescent pregnancies. Which of the following interventions should the nurse implement?
  10. Question: Which of the following is the third leading cause of death in adolescents between 10 and 24 years of age?
  11. Question: The nurse is preparing an educational activity for adolescents. The primary reason that emphasis is placed on teaching testicular self-examination is because:
  12. Question: A nurse is planning a community health education program for young adults. Which of the following considerations should be made by the nurse?
  13. Question: According to Healthy People 2020, the leading causes of death among children and young adults are due to injuries from which of the following?
  14. Question: Taking into account all of the agents that affect middle-age adults, the nurse plans a health education workshop focused on developing an individualized lifestyle change program for each participant. Which of the following actions should the nurse stress that individuals take first?
  15. Question: A nurse is conducting a community education program about cognition in older adults. Which of the following information should be included?
  16. Question: A nurse is assessing the home environment of a toddler. Which of the following poses the greatest and most immediate risk to the child?
  17. Question: A nurse is determining if teaching is effective. Which finding bestindicates learning has occurred?
  18. Question: A patient has heart failure and kidney failure. The patient needs teaching about dialysis. Which nursing action is most appropriate for assessing this patient’s learning needs?
  19. Question: A nurse is teaching an older-adult patient about strokes. Which teaching technique is most appropriate for the nurse to use?
  20. Question: A patient who is going to surgery has been taught how to cough and deep breathe. Which evaluation method will the nurse use?
  21. Question: A nurse is assessing the ability to learn of a patient who has recently experienced a stroke. Which question/statement will best assess the patient’s ability to learn?
  22. Question: The referent in the communication process is:
  23. Question: The nurse works with pediatric patients who have Diabetes. Which is the youngest age group to which the nurse can effectively teach psychomotor skills such as insulin administer?
  24. Question: Demonstration of the principles of body mechanics used when transferring patients from bed to chair would be classified under which domain of learning?
  25. Question: According to Erikson, the developmental task of adolescence is :
  26. Question: According to Erikson’s developmental theory, the primary developmental task if the middle years us to:
  1. Question: A nurse is measuring an infant’s head circumference and height. Which area is the nurse assessing?
  2. Question: A nurse is caring for a young adult after surgery. Which action by the nurse will be priority?
  3. Question: The nurse is caring for a 14-year-old patient in the hospital. Which goal will bepriority?

    NR 222 Unit 6 Exam 2 Questions & Answers.

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  4. Question: A mother has delivered a healthy newborn. Which action is priority?
  5. Question: A nurse is working in the delivery room. Which action is priority immediately after birth?
  6. Question: A mother expresses concern because her 5-year-old child frequently talks about friends who don’t exist. What is the nurse’s best response to this mother’s concern?
  7. Question: A nurse is giving a presentation about accident prevention to a group of parents of toddlers. Wich of the following accident-prevention strategies should the nurse include? (Select all that apply).
  8. Question: Which statement, if made by a parent, will require further instruction from the nurse?
  9. Question: A nurse is assessing the risk of intimate partner violence (IPV) for patients. Which population should the nurse focus on most for IPV?
  10. Question: Which information from the nurse indicates a correct understanding of emerging adulthood?
  11. Question: A nurse determines that a middle-aged patient is a typical example of the “sandwich generation.” What did the nurse discover the patient is caught between?
  12. Question: A nurse is developing a plan of care for an older adult. Which information will the nurse consider?
  13. Question: A nurse is teaching a group of older-adult patients. Which teaching strategy is best for the nurse to use?
  14. Question: A nurse is caring for an older adult. Which goal is priority?
  15. Question: A nurse is discussing sexuality with an older adult. Which action will the nurse take?
  16. Question: An older patient with dementia and confusion is admitted to the nursing unit after hip replacement surgery. Which action will the nurse include in the plan of care?
  17. Question: A nurse is reviewing car seat safety with the parents of a 1-month-old infant. When reviewing car seat use which of the following instructions should the nurse include?
  18. Question: A nurse is teaching a patient with a risk for hypertension how to take a blood pressure. Which action by the nurse is the priority?
  19. Question: Which behavior indicates the nurse is using a process recording correctly to enhance communication with patients?
  20. Question: A nurse is using Jean Piaget’s developmental theory to focus on cognitive development. Which area will the nurse assess in this patient?
  21. Question: A nurse workson a pediatric unit and is using a psychosocial developmental approach tochild care. In which order from the first to the last will the nurse place the developmental stages?
    1. Initiative versus guilt
    2. Trust versus mistrust
    3. Industry versus inferiority
    4. Identity versus role confusion
    5. Autonomy versus shame and doubt
  22. Question: According to Piaget, the school-age child is in the third stage of cognitive development, which is characterized by:
  23. Question: According to Kohlberg, shildren develop moral reasoning as they mature. Which of the following is most characteristic of a preschooler’ stage of moral development?
  24. Question: The nurse is caring for an infant. Which activity is most appropriate for the nurse to offer to the infant?

    NR 222 Unit 6 Exam 2 Questions & Answers.

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