ACC 485 Advanced Accounting Week 1 to 8


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ACC 485 Advanced Accounting Week 1 to 8

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ACC 485 Advanced Accounting Week 1 to 8

ACC 485 Week 1 Discussions 1

Discussion Preparation

  • Conduct an Internet search to find a consolidated entity.
  • Check the Entity List created by the instructor located in the first thread of every forum. Do not choose an entity that is already on the list. If the entity that you have chosen is already on the list, you must find another entity.
  • Once you have chosen an entity, e-mail the name of it to the instructor. The instructor will post it on the Entity List.

Initial Discussion

Find and analyze the financial statements for your chosen consolidated entity. Using approximately 150 words:

  • Explain what type of combination the group went through.
  • Identify the accounts that would have been adjusted as part of the consolidation process.
  • Identify any unique circumstances regarding the financial statements for the period.

Post a link to the consolidated financial statements and include the company name in the subject line.

ACC 485 Week 1 Discussions 2

Follow-Up Discussion

  • Choose one of the companies/entities about which your classmates have posted.
  • Review the company’s financial statements.
  • Provide unique commentary on what you observe in the financial statements for the consolidated entity.

ACC 485 Week 2 Discussions 1

ACC 485 Advanced Accounting Week 1 to 8

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Discussion Preparation

Find and read Statement on Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 157.

Initial Discussion

In approximately 300 words, prepare a short summary of the key points from Statement No. 157 as it relates to what we have learned on consolidated financial statements.

ACC 485 Week 2 Discussions 2

Follow-Up Discussion

Expand upon any of the points identified by your classmates and/or ask for clarification on points that you do not understand.

ACC 485 Week 3 Discussions 1

Why are downstream sales treated differently from upstream sales? Your initial post should be approximately 250 words and cite at least one reference used in preparing your response.

ACC 485 Week 3 Discussions 2

Follow-Up Discussion

To participate in follow-up discussion, choose one of your classmate’s postings and comment on it.

ACC 485 Week 4 Discussions 1

Discussion Preparation

Check the Article List created by the instructor, located in the first thread of every forum. Do not choose an article that is already on the list. If the article that you have chosen is already on the list, you must find another article.

Choose an article that discusses one of the major differences in the accounting treatment of governmental units and for-profit entities. This article does not have to be scholarly, but it must clearly address the difference in accounting treatment.

Once you have chosen an article, e-mail the name of it to the instructor. The instructor will post it on the Article List.

Initial Discussion

Do you agree with the difference in accounting treatment? Why, or why not? Your chosen article should support the treatment or critique the treatment, and provide the link to the article for your classmates to review.

This article does not have to be scholarly, but it must clearly address the difference in accounting treatment. Your initial response should be approximately 250 words.

ACC 485 Week 4 Discussions 2

ACC 485 Advanced Accounting Week 1 to 8

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Follow-Up Discussion

To participate in follow-up discussion, choose one of the articles that your classmates have posted, and provide your own reaction to it.

ACC 485 Week 5 Discussions 1

Compare and contrast the FASB and the GASB in approximately 250 words. Cite at least one reference used in preparing your response.

Participate in follow-up discussion by commenting on your classmates’ posts.

ACC 485 Week 5 Discussions 2

Follow-Up Discussion

To participate in follow-up discussion, choose one of your classmate’s postings and comment on it.

ACC 485 Week 6 Discussions 1

Discussion Preparation

  • Find a journal article online about the convergence of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS).
  • Check the Article List created by the instructor, located in the first thread of every forum. Do not choose an article that is already on the list. If the article that you have chosen is already on the list, you must find another article.
  • Once you have chosen an article, e-mail the name of it to the instructor. The instructor will post it on the Article List.

Initial Discussion

In the subject line of your post, include the name of the article that you read. Post a link to that article with your initial post, and provide a summary and a reaction to the article.

The summary should be approximately 250 words, and the reaction should be approximately 150 words. Reaction should include an opinion or an interpretation of the materials. Some students may apply the reading to work experience, and others may comment on how it might be applied.

The summary should describe the major points of the article, and the reaction should demonstrate your interpretation of the article and how you can apply that knowledge.’

ACC 485 Week 6 Discussions 2

Follow-Up Discussion

Choose one of the articles that your classmates have posted, and provide your own reaction to it.

ACC 485 Week 7 Discussions 1

ACC 485 Advanced Accounting Week 1 to 8

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Initial Discussion

What are the advantages and disadvantages of organizing a business as a partnership?

Compare and contrast general partnerships and limited partnerships.

Under what circumstances might you set up a partnership?

ACC 485 Week 7 Discussions 2

Follow-Up Discussion

To participate in follow-up discussion, comment on your classmates’ posts. Your initial post should be approximately 250 words and cite at least one reference used in preparing your response.

ACC 485 Week 8 Discussions 1

Initial Discussion

Please access an online article regarding partnership dissolution and read it in order to prepare a summary and reaction. In the subject line of your post, include the name of the article that you read.

Post a link to that article with your initial post, and provide a summary and a reaction to the article.

The summary should be approximately 250 words, and the reaction should be approximately 150 words. Reaction should include an opinion or an interpretation of the materials. Some students may apply the reading to work experience, and others may comment on how it might be applied.

The summary should describe the major points of the article, and the reaction should demonstrate your interpretation of the article and how you can apply that knowledge.

ACC 485 Week 8 Discussions 2

Follow-Up Discussion

Choose one of the articles that your classmates have posted, and provide your own reaction to it.

ACC 485 Week 1 Problems


Complete Problem 3-2 and Problem 3-7 in the textbook.

Complete the problems in an Excel document. Label all work.

ACC 485 Week 2 Problems Benchmark Assignment

ACC 485 Advanced Accounting Week 1 to 8

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Complete Problem 4-4, Problem 4-10, and Exercise 5-8 in the textbook.

Complete the problems in an Excel document. Label all work.

ACC 485 Week 3 Problems


Complete Problem 6-4, Problem 7-1, and Problem 8-1 in the textbook.

Complete the problems in an Excel document. Label all work.

ACC 485 Week 4 Problems


Complete Problem 17-4 and Problem 18-13 in the textbook.

Complete the problems in an Excel document. Label all work.

ACC 485 Week 5 Problems


Complete Problem 19-1 and Problem 19-3 in the textbook.

Complete the problems in an Excel document. Label all work.

ACC 485 Week 6 Problems


Complete Problem 11-3, Problem 12-3, and Problem 13-1 in the textbook.

Complete the problems in an Excel document. Label all work.

ACC 485 Week 7 Problems


Complete Problem 15-1 and Problem 15-5 in the textbook.

Complete the problems in an Excel document. Label all work.

ACC 485 Week 8 Problems


Complete Exercise 16-1 and Exercise 16-2 in the textbook.

Complete the problems in an Excel document. Label all work.

ACC 485 Advanced Accounting Week 1 to 8

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