BUS 372 Complete latest


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BUS 372 Complete latest

BUS 372 Module 1 Assignment Event Selection

BUS 372 Complete latest.Throughout this course, you will work on a series of assignments related to the planning of a sports-related event. You will select an existing sports-related event in your geographical area. The event does not need to be large in scope or scale, but it does need to be extensive enough that all of the steps in the event planning process are utilized. With permission from the event organizer, you will use event-related data and assume the fictional role of the event planner in order to complete the assignments and gain experience with the core business practices that are essential to the event planning process.

For this assignment, you will research three potential events, contact the event coordinators to determine their availability to collaborate with you on the project, and provide the event title and contact person for each event to your instructor. Use the “Event Selection” worksheet to submit this assignment. Your instructor will approve your event selection and you will obtain a signed copy of the “Event Participation” document from the event coordinator and submit it back to your instructor as part of the Topic 2 “Event Coordinator Interview” assignment.

APA Style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

BUS 372 Module 2 Event Coordinator Interview

The purpose of this assignment is for you to talk with the event coordinator to learn about the general nature of the sports related event you have selected. You will use the information gained from the interview to help you assume the role of event planner for the Event Planning Project and complete the related assignments.

The questions on the “Event Coordinator Interview” handout can be used as a guide as you conduct your interview. Submit the interview questions and responses to your instructor using a Word document. Submit a copy of the “Event Participation” handout signed by the event coordinator with your interview.

Whether you are conducting your interview in person or via the telephone or some other means of media, please remember that you are considered a guest. The event coordinator has taken time out of his or her schedule to honor your request. As a result, please maintain professional behavior at all times as a representative of Grand Canyon University (GCU).

If meeting in person, including a teleconference with camera:

  1. Dress in professional business attire and be neat in appearance. Request feedback from others if uncertain about acceptable attire and appearance befitting the interview.
  2. Identify exact time and location of the meeting. Plan to arrive between 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled start.
  3. Have supplies available to take notes during the meeting.
  4. Be prepared to introduce yourself by name and as a GCU student.
  5. Remember to smile and display a positive disposition.
  6. Be respectful and considerate during the meeting. Turn cell phone off or leave it behind. Read each question carefully and be sure to make appropriate eye contact. Allow sufficient time for a response and be sure not to talk over the person you interview. Once the interview is completed, thank him/her for his/her time.

If Meeting Via Telephone:

  1. Make sure you have a quiet place to converse for the interview. Notify roommates and others that you have a meeting to conduct for 30-60 minutes.
  2. Plan to be seated for the telephone call between 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled start. Have supplies available to take notes during the meeting.
  3. Be prepared to introduce yourself by name and as a GCU student.
  4. Be respectful and considerate during the meeting.
  5. Once the interview is completed, thank him/her for his/her time.

APA Style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

BUS 372 Module 3 Assignment Event Budget Estimation


You will use the event budget number provided to you by the event coordinator in the “Event Coordinator Interview” assignment from Topic 2 along with your own research to estimate expenses and value or revenue generation associated with your selected event.

Think about the event you are planning to execute and identify the costs associated with executing the event. Some costs to consider could include facilities, marketing and promotion, event presentation and awards, security, and legal and insurance fees. Refer back to the Topic 2 Material for additional information about event costs and revisit the “PAPER Test” you completed for the Topic 2 assignment to ensure that you have included all the expenses you can think of related to promotion, audience, partnerships and environment. Complete the “Expense” and “Amount Budgeted” columns and then write a sentence or two that justifies how you arrived at the estimate in the “Justification” column of the “Expenses” tab of the “Event Budget Estimation” spreadsheet to forecast the costs for executing your event.

Next, identify the revenue streams for the event you are executing. Remember that for your event, “revenue” does not necessarily refer to money. Revenue could take the form of providing a service (i.e., a youth sports clinic), raising awareness for a specific cause or charity, collecting goods for a cause, charity (i.e., canned food, donations of supplies), or it could actually involve raising funds to help a particular group or organization. Some monetary revenue streams to consider could include registration fees, ticket sales, concessions, and sponsorship. Refer back to the Topic 2 Material for additional information about revenue streams. Revisit the “Revenue” section of the “PAPER” Test you completed for the Topic 2 assignment to ensure that you have included all the revenue streams you can think of for your event. Complete the “Description” and “Amount Forecasted” columns and then write a sentence or two that justifies how you arrived at the estimate in the “Justification” column of the of the “Revenue-Monetary” and “Revenue-Non-monetary” tabs of the “Event Budget Estimation” spreadsheet to forecast the potential revenues that could result from executing your event. Your instructor will provide you with feedback about your budget estimations after you have submitted the assignment.

APA Style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

BUS 372 Module 4 Assignment Sponsorship Deck

BUS 372 Complete latest


Sponsors are critical to the success of most sports events because they are one of the major means used for generating revenue, both monetary and through “in kind” donations. The ability to obtain sponsors is a critical skill, and the ability to effectively pitch your event or organization to potential sponsors will help to ensure your success in the sports management industry.

As you plan your event, obtaining sponsors can help you gain necessary resources, both monetary and goods in kind. For this assignment, you will create a sponsorship deck that you can use to pitch your event to potential event sponsors. The presentation should be completed as a Power Point presentation of 8-12 slides, so it can be easily shared with potential sponsors. The presentation should include the following information. For each slide, be sure to include relevant talking points in the notes section of the slide.

  1. Event Title and Tagline and related logo/graphic.
  2. Event Overview: provides specific event information and introduces the event organizer and the organization benefitting from the event.
  3. Event date, time, and location and related graphic.
  4. Information related to cause or organization that will benefit from your event.
  5. Event differentiator: explain what makes your event a unique opportunity for the potential sponsor to engage with the community and benefactor. Include information about the event target market to establish how sponsorship can connect the company to potential customers.
  6. Sponsorship Opportunities: include the benefits that the event can provide to the sponsor along with what you are seeking from the sponsor as part of the partnership. Discuss varying types and levels of sponsorship available and the benefits sponsors will receive for participating at specific sponsorship levels.
  7. Branding Specifics: include details about how the sponsor will be recognized through event signage, promotional materials, and during the event.
  8. Call to action: tell the potential sponsor how to become involved with your event and offer them a specific option for collaborating with you. Provide contact information for the event organizer.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Refer to the resource, “Creating Effective PowerPoint Presentations,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

Submit your final sponsorship deck to your instructor by the end of Topic 4.

BUS 372 Module 6 Assignment Event Promotion


Promotion is an important part of executing a successful event. Successful event promotion creates awareness of the event and generates interest for participants, spectators, and volunteers. One key to successful event promotion is the creation of a clear, consistent message about the event. A good promotion gets people excited about the event while providing basic details about the who, what, when, where, why and how of the event. Depending on the size and scope of the event, many different promotional avenues are available including print, radio, and television advertising, creation of an event specific website and the use of social media.

Review the existing promotion plans and materials you received from the event coordinator during the “Event Coordinator Interview” you conducted for your Topic 2 assignment. Think about the event you are planning and determine how you can create additional promotional strategies and pieces that build on what is already in place to promote the event to targeted participants, the local community and potential volunteers. Use the “Event Promotion” handout to create an event promotion plan. In Topic 3 you generated ideas for implementing two forms of digital media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, blogging, event website, etc.) to promote your event and engage the community and volunteers. Feel free to build on that content as part of your event promotion plan.

In addition to the steps above, you will create an event flyer and a written piece that could be placed in local newsletters, newspapers, and magazines. On all artifacts, be sure that you provide a consistent visual and written message. Use the “Event Promotion” handout to ensure you provide a consistent message in all of your promotion formats.

Submit your completed “Event Promotion” handout along with the flyer and written piece by the end of Topic 6.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

BUS 372 Module 7 Assignment Event Rundown

Successful event execution requires specific planning and scheduling related to the event day activities. Knowing the order of events, event duration, and what must happen before, during, and after the event will assist you with in correctly assigning volunteers and managing the event-related activities.

Using what you learned from the Topic Materials, create an event rundown and related handouts. Your rundown should include pre-event setup, all event phases and activities, and post-event tear down and cleanup. A sample “Event Rundown” template has been included and can be modified to meet the needs of your event. Additionally, include specific handouts related to the execution of your event, particularly if they will be used to direct participant action (i.e., clinic schedule, tournament bracket). Use the event rundown and related handouts to execute your event.

The event rundown and related handouts should be submitted by the end of Topic 7.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

BUS 372 Module 7 Assignment 2 Stakeholder Interviews

The purpose of this assignment is for you to talk with two event stakeholders such as participants, volunteers, sponsors, or community members to learn about their experiences associated with the sports related event you have selected. You may ask the event coordinator to recommend specific stakeholders for interviews or you may conduct the interviews on your own as part of your involvement in the event. When conducting the interviews, be sure to tell interviewees the information will be used as part of a course project and that you will not use their names or identifying information in your assignment. You will use the information gained from the interviews as part of your evaluation of the event planning process and execution.

The questions on the “Stakeholder Interviews” handout can be used as a guide as you conduct your interview. Submit the interview questions and responses to your instructor using a Word document. Be sure to indicate the role of each person interviewed (i.e. participant, volunteer, sponsor, or community member, etc.) for this part of the project. You do not need to include the stakeholders’ names or identifying information about them.

Whether you are conducting your interview in person or via the telephone or some other means of media, please remember that you are considered a guest. The stakeholder has taken time out of his or her schedule to honor your request. As a result, please maintain professional behavior at all times as a representative of Grand Canyon University (GCU).

BUS 372 Complete latest

If meeting in person away from the event, including a teleconference with camera:

Dress in professional business attire and be neat in appearance. Request feedback from others if uncertain about acceptable attire and appearance befitting the interview.

  1. Identify exact time and location of the meeting. Plan to arrive between 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled start.
  2. Have supplies available to take notes during the meeting.
  3. Be prepared to introduce yourself by name and as a GCU student.
  4. Remember to smile and display a positive disposition.
  5. Be respectful and considerate during the meeting. Turn cell phone off or leave it behind. Read each question carefully and be sure to make appropriate eye contact. Allow sufficient time for a response and be sure not to talk over the person you interview. Once the interview is completed, thank him/her for his/her time.

If Meeting Via Telephone

  1. Make sure you have a quiet place to converse for the interview. Notify roommates and others that you have a meeting to conduct for 30-60 minutes.
  2. Plan to be seated for the telephone call between 10-15 minutes prior to the scheduled start. Have supplies available to take notes during the meeting.
  3. Be prepared to introduce yourself by name and as a GCU student.
  4. Be respectful and considerate during the meeting.
  5. Once the interview is completed, thank him/her for his/her time.

APA Style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

You are not required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.

BUS 372 Module 8 Benchmark – Event Evaluation

Now that you have attended the event, it is time to evaluate the event planning process and the core business practices associated with executing the event.

For this assignment, you will submit a 750-1,000 word written evaluation of the event. You will compile your stakeholder interview information, event artifacts, and observations into a written report that summarizes the event, assesses event planning effectiveness, and offers feedback and suggestions for enhancing the event in the future. Address the following in your evaluation.

  1. Explain the role that core business practices played in the planning and execution of the event. Use stakeholder interview feedback and your own observations related to event promotion, organization, and execution to discuss how well the event coordinator met the event objectives. Cite specific event artifacts, data, and examples in your analysis.
  2. As you think about the execution of the event and the planning skills that were utilized, how effective was the event planner in executing the event? Identify specific strengths and provide suggestions for ways the event could be enhanced in the future. Identify the most important lessons you learned from observing the event planning process and execution.

Prepare this assignment according to APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

BUS 372 Complete latest

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