ACC 564 Accounting Information Systems complete


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ACC 564  Accounting Information Systems complete


ACC 564 Week 2 Assignment 1 – Information Needs for the AIS

In 1967, Russell Ackoff presented a classical analysis of misinformation in management (Ackoff’s Management Misinformation Systems, Case 1-1, pg. 21 of the text). Now, you need to fast-forward to the present. After reading the case, craft your own version of misinformation in management by developing five (5) key incorrect assumptions that management makes about its accounting information systems.


For this assignment, research the Internet or Strayer databases for information related to improper assumptions concerning accounting information systems.


Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

Based on your research, assess how corporate leaders may make improper assumptions related to accounting information systems and the related information. Indicate the most negative potential impacts on business operations related to these assumptions. Provide support for your rationale.

Suggest three to four (3-4) ways in which organizational performance may be improved when information is properly managed within a business system. Provide support for your rationale.

Evaluate the level of system security (i.e., high, medium, low) needed to ensure information integrity within automated business systems. Provide support for your evaluation.

Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.


ACC 564 Week 3 Quiz 1

1) Which of the following statements below shows the contrast between data and information?

  1. A) Data is the output of an AIS.
  2. B) Information is the primary output of an AIS.
  3. C) Data is more useful in decision-making than information.
  4. D) Data and information are the same.


2) Information is

  1. A) basically the same as data.
  2. B) raw facts about transactions.
  3. C) potentially useful facts when processed in a timely manner.
  4. D) data that has been organized and processed so that it’s meaningful.


3) The value of information can best be defined as

  1. A) how useful it is to decision makers.
  2. B) the benefits produced by possessing and using the information minus the cost of producing it.
  3. C) how relevant it is.
  4. D) the extent to which it maximizes the value chain.


4) An accounting information system (AIS) processes ________ to provide users with ________.

  1. A) data; information
  2. B) data; transactions
  3. C) information; data
  4. D) data; benefits


ACC 564  Accounting Information Systems complete

5) Information that reduces uncertainty, improves decision makers’ ability to make predictions, or confirms or corrects their prior expectations, is said to be

  1. A) complete.
  2. B) relevant.
  3. C) reliable.
  4. D) timely.


6) Information that is free from error or bias and accurately represents the events or activities of the organization is

  1. A) relevant.
  2. B) reliable.
  3. C) verifiable.
  4. D) timely.


7) Information that does not omit important aspects of the underlying events or activities that it measures is

  1. A) complete.
  2. B) accessible.
  3. C) relevant.
  4. D) timely.


8) When two knowledgeable people acting independently each produce the same information, this information is said to be

  1. A) complete.
  2. B) relevant.
  3. C) reliable.
  4. D) verifiable.


9) Data must be converted into information to be considered useful and meaningful for decision-making. There are six characteristics that make information both useful and meaningful. If information is free from error or bias and accurately represents the events or activities of the organization, it is representative of the characteristic of

  1. A) relevancy.
  2. B) timeliness.
  3. C) understandability.
  4. D) reliability.


10) An accounting information system must be able to perform which of the following tasks?

  1. A) collect transaction data
  2. B) process transaction data
  3. C) provide adequate controls
  4. D) all of the above


11) Which of the following is not an example of a common activity in an AIS?

  1. A) buy and pay for goods and services
  2. B) sell goods and services and collect cash
  3. C) summarize and report results to interested parties
  4. D) recording of sales calls for marketing purposes


12) Which of the following is not one of the components of an AIS?

  1. A) Internal controls and security measures
  2. B) People
  3. C) Procedures and instructions
  4. D) Hardware


13) One group that relies on both the adequate collection and transformation of data for decision-making purposes for an organization is

  1. A) management.
  2. B) interested outsiders.
  3. C) competitors.
  4. D) the government.


14) The primary objective of accounting is to

  1. A) implement strong internal controls.
  2. B) provide useful information to decision makers.
  3. C) prepare financial statements.
  4. D) ensure the profitability of an organization.


15) The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has recognized the importance of AIS and the major impact information technology has on the area of accounting. To recognize individual CPAs who have met educational and experiential requirements in this area, the group formally created the designation known as

  1. A) the Certified Management Accountant.
  2. B) the Certified Information Technology Professional.
  3. C) the Certified Internal Auditor.
  4. D) the Certified Data Processing Professional.


16) The AIS must include controls to ensure

  1. A) safety and availability of data.
  2. B) marketing initiatives match corporate goals.
  3. C) information produced from data is accurate.
  4. D) both A and C


17) A change in the AIS that makes information more easily accessible and widely available within an organization is most likely to first influence the

  1. A) organizational culture.
  2. B) customer base.
  3. C) external financial statement users.
  4. D) production activity.


18) The process of creating value for customers is the result of nine activities that form a

  1. A) value chain.
  2. B) profitable operation.
  3. C) successful business.
  4. D) support system.


19) The value chain concept is composed of two types of activities known as

  1. A) primary and support.
  2. B) primary and secondary.
  3. C) support and value.
  4. D) technology and support.


20) Which of the following is a primary activity in the value chain?

  1. A) infrastructure
  2. B) technology
  3. C) purchasing
  4. D) marketing and sales



More Questions are Included…


ACC 564  Accounting Information Systems complete

ACC 564 Week 4 Assignment 2 – Hacking the AIS

In today’s technology environment, hackers present a substantial risk to a firm’s accounting or business system. As the result of these attacks, firms suffer huge losses, ranging from financial losses to losses in confidence by consumers, creditors, and suppliers. Firms may have made a significant investment in financial and non-financial resources to secure these systems.


For this assignment, research the Internet or Strayer databases for information related to business systems that have been hacked.


Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:

Based on the information you researched, evaluate the level of responsibility of the company in terms of the effectiveness of the response to the security breach. Provide support for your rationale.

Imagine that the company that you researched uses a third-party accounting system. Assess the level of responsibility of the software provider to both the business and its clients. Provide support for your rationale.

Create an argument for additional regulation as a preventative measure against businesses being hacked. Provide support for your argument.

Provide at least three (3) recommendations for businesses to secure their systems and assets from hackers. Provide support for your recommendation.

Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.


ACC 564  Accounting Information Systems complete

ACC 564 Week 5 Quiz 2

1) Wally Hewitt maintains an online brokerage account. In early March, Wally received an email from the firm that explained that there had been a computer error and that provided a phone number so that Wally could verify his customer information. When he called, a recording asked that he enter the code from the email, his account number, and his social security number. After he did so, he was told that he would be connected with a customer service representative, but the connection was terminated. He contacted the brokerage company and was informed that they had not sent the email. Wally was a victim of

  1. A) Bluesnarfing.
  2. B) splogging.
  3. C) vishing.
  4. D) typosquatting.


2) When a computer criminal gains access to a system by searching records or the trash of the target company, this is referred to as

  1. A) data diddling.
  2. B) dumpster diving.
  3. C) eavesdropping.
  4. D) piggybacking.


3) Jerry Schneider was able to amass operating manuals and enough technical data to steal $1 million of electronic equipment by

  1. A) scavenging.
  2. B) skimming.
  3. C) Internet auction fraud.
  4. D) cyber extortion.


4) A part of a program that remains idle until some date or event occurs and then is activated to cause havoc in the system is a

  1. A) trap door.
  2. B) data diddle.
  3. C) logic bomb.
  4. D) virus.


5) The unauthorized copying of company data is known as

  1. A) data leakage.
  2. B) eavesdropping.
  3. C) masquerading.
  4. D) phishing.


6) Computer fraud perpetrators who use telephone lines to commit fraud and other illegal acts are typically called

  1. A) hackers.
  2. B) crackers.
  3. C) phreakers.
  4. D) jerks.


7) What is a denial of service attack?

  1. A) A denial of service attack occurs when the perpetrator sends hundreds of messages from randomly generated false addresses, overloading an Internet service provider’s e-mail server.
  2. B) A denial of service attack occurs when an e-mail message is sent through a re-mailer, who removes the message headers making the message anonymous, then resends the message to selected addresses.
  3. C) A denial of service attack occurs when a cracker enters a system through an idle modem, captures the PC attached to the modem, and then gains access to the network to which it is connected.
  4. D) A denial of service attack occurs when the perpetrator e-mails the same message to everyone on one or more Usenet newsgroups LISTSERV lists.


8) Gaining control of someone else’s computer to carry out illicit activities without the owner’s knowledge is known as

  1. A) hacking.
  2. B) hijacking.
  3. C) phreaking.
  4. D) sniffings.


9) Illegally obtaining and using confidential information about a person for economic gain is known as

  1. A) eavesdropping.
  2. B) identity theft.
  3. C) packet sniffing.
  4. D) piggybacking.


10) Tapping into a communications line and then entering the system by accompanying a legitimate user without their knowledge is called

  1. A) superzapping.
  2. B) data leakage.
  3. C) hacking.
  4. D) piggybacking.


11) Which of the following is not a method of identify theft?

  1. A) Scavenging
  2. B) Phishing
  3. C) Shoulder surfing
  4. D) Phreaking

So on…….


ACC 564  Accounting Information Systems complete

ACC 564 Week 7 Assignment 3 – Fraud in the Accounting Information System

For this assignment, research the Internet or Strayer databases to locate a firm that was involved in a fraud and / or embezzlement case.


Explain how the firm’s accounting information system (i.e., components and functions) contributed to the fraud and / or embezzlement. You will need to focus on how each component / function of the accounting information system failed, which resulted in the scandal / case.


Write a ten to twelve (10-12) page paper in which you:

Based on the information you researched, assess the failure of the firm’s accounting information system to prevent the related fraud / embezzlement.

Imagine that the company that you researched uses a third-party accounting system. Evaluate the effectiveness of the firm’s stakeholder in the event that a third-party accounting system suffers a breach. Include an assessment of the level of responsibility of the software provider to the business and its clients. Provide support for your rationale.

Determine what advances in accounting and / or information technology could have prevented the event from occurring. Provide support for your argument.

Evaluate what changes should be made to both the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and other current laws in order to make them more effective in deterring companies from committing crimes.

Recommend a strategy that the company you indicated may use to prevent future business information failures. Indicate how the company should approach the implementation of your recommended strategy. Provide support for your recommendation.

Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.



ACC 564 Week 8 Quiz 3

1) The best example of a hash total for a payroll transaction file could be

  1. A) total of employees’ social security numbers.
  2. B) sum of net pay.
  3. C) total number of employees.
  4. D) sum of hours worked.


2) Error logs and review are an example of

  1. A) data entry controls.
  2. B) data transmission controls.
  3. C) output controls.
  4. D) processing controls.


3) Following is the result of batch control totals on employee Social Security Numbers in a payroll processing transaction:


The difference in the control totals is 720,000. Which data entry control would best prevent similar data entry errors in the future?

  1. A) Modulus 11
  2. B) Validity check
  3. C) Check digit
  4. D) Sequence check


4) Which of the following data entry controls would not be useful if you are recording the checkout of library books by members?

  1. A) Sequence check
  2. B) Prompting
  3. C) Validity check
  4. D) Concurrent update control


5) A customer failed to include her account number on her check, and the accounts receivable clerk credited her payment to a different customer with the same last name. Which control could have been used to most effectively to prevent this error?

  1. A) Closed-loop verification
  2. B) Duplicate values check
  3. C) Validity check
  4. D) Reconciliation of a batch control total


6) If invoices are processed in groups of fifty, which fields from the document shown below would not be used to create a hash control total?


  1. A) Amount
  2. B) Item Number
  3. C) Quantity Ordered
  4. D) Sales Order number


7) A data entry input control in which the application software sums the first four digits of a customer number to calculate the value of the fifth digit and then compares the calculated number to the number typed in during data entry is an example of a

  1. A) check digit verification.
  2. B) validity check.
  3. C) closed-loop verification.
  4. D) duplicate data check.


8) All of the following controls for online entry of a sales order would be useful except

  1. A) check digit verification on the dollar amount of the order.
  2. B) validity check on the inventory item numbers.
  3. C) field check on the customer ID and dollar amount of the order.
  4. D) concurrent update control.


9) A specific inventory record indicates that there were 12 items on hand before a customer brings two of the items to the check stand to be purchased. The cashier accidentally entered quantity 20 instead of 2. Which data entry control would best have prevented this error?

  1. A) sign check
  2. B) limit check
  3. C) validity check
  4. D) field check


10) When processing weekly payroll, an employee accidentally entered 400 for hours worked. The best data entry control for this error would be

  1. A) a limit check.
  2. B) a check digit.
  3. C) batch total reconciliation.
  4. D) a field check.


11) The data entry control that would best prevent entering an invoice received from a vendor who is not on an authorized supplier list is

  1. A) a validity check.
  2. B) an authorization check.
  3. C) a check digit.
  4. D) closed-loop verification.


12) Forms design is an example of this type of control.

  1. A) Data entry control
  2. B) Processing control
  3. C) Output control
  4. D) Input control





ACC 564  Accounting Information Systems complete

ACC 564 Week 9 Quiz 4

1) Using a file-oriented approach to data and information, data is maintained in

  1. A) a centralized database.
  2. B) many interconnected files.
  3. C) many separate files.
  4. D) a decentralized database.


2) In a well-structured relational database,

  1. A) every table must be related to at least one other table.
  2. B) every table must be related to all other tables.
  3. C) one table must be related to at least one other table.
  4. D) one table must be related to all other tables.


3) File-oriented approaches create problems for organizations because of

  1. A) multiple transaction files.
  2. B) a lack of sophisticated file maintenance software.
  3. C) multiple users.
  4. D) multiple master files.


4) Which statement is true regarding file systems?

  1. A) Transaction files are similar to ledgers in a manual AIS.
  2. B) Multiple master files create problems with data consistency.
  3. C) Transaction files are permanent.
  4. D) Individual records are never deleted in a master file.


5) The ________ acts as an interface between the database and the various application programs.

  1. A) data warehouse
  2. B) database administrator
  3. C) database management system
  4. D) database system


6) The combination of the database, the DBMS, and the application programs that access the database through the DBMS is referred to as the

  1. A) data warehouse.
  2. B) database administrator.
  3. C) database system.
  4. D) database manager.


7) The person responsible for the database is the

  1. A) data coordinator.
  2. B) database administrator.
  3. C) database manager.
  4. D) database master.


8) All of the following are benefits of the database approach except:

  1. A) Data integration and sharing
  2. B) Decentralized management of data
  3. C) Minimal data redundancy
  4. D) Cross-functional analysis and reporting


More Questions are also Included

ACC 564  Accounting Information Systems complete

ACC 564 Week 10 Assignment 4 – Changing the Accounting Information System

Migrating to a new accounting information system is not an easy task. Many firms have struggled with this process, even though our textbook makes the process seem quite straightforward. Recently, IBM recapped some of the lessons learned in migrating to a new accounting information system within the federal government. These lessons can be applied to any accounting information system project. Others have developed their own recommendations for best practices and lessons learned involving implementing accounting information systems. However, in order to appreciate what IBM and others are proposing, we need to apply lessons learned to a real-life situation involving the failure to implement an accounting system properly.


For this assignment, research the Internet or Strayer databases for information related to a real-life accounting information system failure and best practices, as well as lessons learned from implementing the accounting system. In addition to information that you may find during your research, please use the following IBM article to complete the assignment: (


Write a ten to twelve (10-12) page paper in which you:

Identify three to five (3-5) factors that contributed to the accounting information system failure within the business that you have identified. Indicate the impact to the business. Provide support for your rationale.

Assess senior management responsibility for the failure in question. Specify what the senior management could have done differently to avoid the failure. Provide support for your rationale.

Evaluate whether the most significant failure occurred within the system design, implementation, or operational phase of the process. Indicate what the company could have done to avoid the failed outcome. Provide support for your rationale.

Evaluate how implementing best practices would have reduced the chances for failure. Provide support for your rationale.

Based on your research, develop a list of between four (4) and six (6) best practices that organizations should use today to reduce the chances for failure. Provide support for your rationale.

Using the information provided by IBM and others, indicate which of the principles designed to provide insight into effective and efficient strategies on how to best deploy financial management systems, which were outlined within the related article, should serve as an example of what not to do when establishing the foundation for a firm to follow. Your proposed foundation should consist of at least two (2) principles, but no more than six (6). Provide support for your rationale.

Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment


ACC 564 Week 11 Final Exam Answers

1) Which of the following statements below shows the contrast between data and information?
A) Data is the output of an AIS.
B) Information is the primary output of an AIS.
C) Data is more useful in decision-making than information.
D) Data and information are the same.

2) Information is
A) basically the same as data.
B) raw facts about transactions.
C) potentially useful facts when processed in a timely manner.
D) data that has been organized and processed so that it’s meaningful.

3) The value of information can best be defined as
A) how useful it is to decision makers.
B) the benefits produced by possessing and using the information minus the cost of producing it.
C) how relevant it is.
D) the extent to which it maximizes the value chain.

4) An accounting information system (AIS) processes ________ to provide users with ________.
A) data; information
B) data; transactions
C) information; data
D) data; benefits

5) Information that reduces uncertainty, improves decision makers’ ability to make predictions, or confirms or corrects their prior expectations, is said to be
A) complete.
B) relevant.
C) reliable.
D) timely.

6) Information that is free from error or bias and accurately represents the events or activities of the organization is
A) relevant.
B) reliable.
C) verifiable.
D) timely.

7) Information that does not omit important aspects of the underlying events or activities that it measures is
A) complete.
B) accessible.
C) relevant.
D) timely.

8) When two knowledgeable people acting independently each produce the same information, this information is said to be
A) complete.
B) relevant.
C) reliable.
D) verifiable.

9) Data must be converted into information to be considered useful and meaningful for decision-making. There are six characteristics that make information both useful and meaningful. If information is free from error or bias and accurately represents the events or activities of the organization, it is representative of the characteristic of
A) relevancy.
B) timeliness.
C) understandability.
D) reliability.

10) An accounting information system must be able to perform which of the following tasks?
A) collect transaction data
B) process transaction data
C) provide adequate controls
D) all of the above

11) Which of the following is not an example of a common activity in an AIS?
A) buy and pay for goods and services
B) sell goods and services and collect cash
C) summarize and report results to interested parties
D) recording of sales calls for marketing purposes

12) Which of the following is not one of the components of an AIS?
A) Internal controls and security measures
B) People
C) Procedures and instructions
D) Hardware

13) One group that relies on both the adequate collection and transformation of data for decision-making purposes for an organization is
A) management.
B) interested outsiders.
C) competitors.
D) the government.

14) The primary objective of accounting is to
A) implement strong internal controls.
B) provide useful information to decision makers.
C) prepare financial statements.
D) ensure the profitability of an organization.

15) The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) has recognized the importance of AIS and the major impact information technology has on the area of accounting. To recognize individual CPAs who have met educational and experiential requirements in this area, the group formally created the designation known as
A) the Certified Management Accountant.
B) the Certified Information Technology Professional.
C) the Certified Internal Auditor.
D) the Certified Data Processing Professional.

16) The AIS must include controls to ensure
A) safety and availability of data.
B) marketing initiatives match corporate goals.
C) information produced from data is accurate.
D) both A and C

17) A change in the AIS that makes information more easily accessible and widely available within an organization is most likely to first influence the
A) organizational culture.
B) customer base.
C) external financial statement users.
D) production activity.

18) The process of creating value for customers is the result of nine activities that form a
A) value chain.
B) profitable operation.
C) successful business.
D) support system.

19) The value chain concept is composed of two types of activities known as
A) primary and support.
B) primary and secondary.
C) support and value.
D) technology and support.

20) Which of the following is a primary activity in the value chain?
A) infrastructure
B) technology
C) purchasing
D) marketing and sales

21) In value chain analysis, what is the activity of arranging the delivery of products to customers called?
A) outbound logistics
B) inbound logistics
C) shipping
D) delivery

22) An AIS provides value by
A) improving products or services through information that increases quality and reduces costs.
B) providing timely and reliable information to decision makers.
C) creating new products.
D) both A and B

23) In Chapter 1, Figure 1-4 shows the factors that influence the design of AIS. The diagram shows a bi-directional arrow between the organizational culture and the AIS. The reason for this two-way interchange between organizational culture and AIS is
A) that the AIS should not influence the values of the organizational culture.
B) because the organization’s culture influences the AIS, and likewise the AIS influences the organization’s culture by controlling the flow of information within the organization.
C) due to the transfer of managers between the two corporate elements.
D) the AIS impacts the organization’s key strategies.

24) An example of inbound logistics would consist of
A) the activities that transform inputs into final products or services.
B) the activities that help customers to buy the organization’s products or services.
C) the activities that provide post-sale support to customers.
D) the activities that consist of receiving, storing, and distributing the materials used as inputs by the organization to create goods and/or services it sells.

25) A good example of how an AIS is used to share knowledge within an organization is
A) the use of a corporate database to help staff identify the relevant experts who can help with a particular client.
B) the use of laptop computers to access a network for messaging worldwide.
C) the monitoring of production equipment to watch for defects.
D) the use of point-of-sale data to determine hot-selling items.

ACC 564  Accounting Information Systems complete

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