MAT-144 Mission Project: Part C Statistical Study


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MAT-144 Mission Project: Part C Statistical Study


Use the following resource to assist you in completing Part C of your Mission Trip assignment. You will also use Mission Project: Part C Worksheet and Part C Data spreadsheet to complete this assignment.



A friend of yours has recently come back from a mission trip. The mission team has collected some data. They need help analyzing this data and because you have just taken a math class and have been planning your own mission trip, your friend has asked you to help out.

The purpose of the mission trip was to bring clean water to a village in Sierra Leone. When the group arrived they took a sample of water from each of 100 randomly selected households around the village. One of the trip participants is planning to major in biology, so she was put in charge of analyzing the number of microbes in each water sample.All of this group’s data can is found in the included spreadsheet.

MAT-144 Mission Project: Part C Statistical Study

The group spent the next few weeks digging several wells around the village. The wells each produced clean water. However, the group was not sure whether the villagers would all use the wells to get all of their water or if they would continue to use their old water sources too. The group decided to take another sample of water from another 100 households one month after the wells were dug. To save time, they asked villagers to bring in samples of their water from home. They accepted the first 100 samples.

The group’s aspiring biologist who analyzed the data was worried about the integrity of the water samples that the villagers brought in themselves. At the last minute, she decided to collect some samples herself. She only had time to collect 20 samples from random households.

MAT-144 Mission Project: Part C Statistical Study

Analyze the data and record the results on the worksheet provided. You will use the results to write the report of your analysis of the data:

Once you complete your statistical calculations, prepare a report of your findings. Write a 750-1,000-word report of your analysis of the data for the mission team.Include the following in your report:

1) Report why you think that either the mean or the median is a better measure of central tendency in this case.Is the best measure of central tendency the same for all three samples?

2) Discuss the differences that you noticed between the samples when you reviewed the box plot and histograms.

3) Identify the null and alternative hypotheses.

4) Discuss the results of the statistical test. Be sure to include discussion of the statistical significance.

5) Consider the eight guidelines fora evaluating a statistical study found in section 5B of the textbook. Focus on the following guidelines in your analysis.

MAT-144 Mission Project: Part C Statistical Study

  1. a. Guideline 1-Identify the Goal, Population, and Type of Study
  2. b. Guideline 3-Look for Bias in the Sample
  3. c. Guideline 4-Look for Problems in Defining or Measuring the Variable of Interest
  4. d. Guideline 7-Check that the Results are Presented Fairly (Do the graphics appear to accurately represent the results?)

Include two or more scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guides and Templates, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a scoring guide. Review the scoring guide prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Cente

MAT-144 Mission Project: Part C Statistical Study

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