60’s scoop settlement


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60’s scoop settlement

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Current Event Information Brief
Your workplace supervisor has noticed an item in the news involving Indigenous peoples. You have been asked you to prepare a short information note that can be shared with colleagues. Your note should identify the news item, describe the historical context of the item, identify the issue(s) that the item raises and present a short analysis of its importance/significance.
Please choose one of the following items:
1. Cornwallis Statue in Halifax
2. First Nations Child Welfare Agreement review – Ontario
3. Indian Hospitals
4. Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women National Inquiry
5. Legal Marijuana and First Nations
6. Drinking Water Advisories on First Nations communities
7. 60’s scoop settlement
8. Indigenous representation on juries

60’s scoop settlement

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9. First Nations Major Projects Coalition
10. Bill C-262 “an Act to ensure that the laws of Canada are in harmony with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples
11. Victoria’s Secret Appropriation of Indigenous culture
12. Indian Affairs Department Split
For help in writing a briefing note, here are several links that you may find useful:
1.How to Write Briefing Notes https://www.publicsectorwriting.com/?page_id=6
2. How to Write a Briefing Note from Writing for Government, UVIC


3. Writing a Briefing Note



60’s scoop settlement

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Your briefing note should be about 750 words, double-spaced, maximum three pages
The note will have a cover page that applies MLA standards as to spacing and content.
In the upper right-hand corner of the title page please include a headshot of yourself.
The next to last page of the note is a reference page including 8 to 10 properly cited references.
Only references cited in the body of the briefing should be listed in the reference page.
The final page of the assignment is the checklist document provided to you on Black Board.
Wikipedia references are not acceptable
Your submission should consist of the following pages.
Page One: title page
Page Two: Executive summary: 100 words maximum
Pages Three through Five: information note
Page Six: Works cited
Page Seven: Academic Checklist

60’s scoop settlement

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The information note will use a series of headings to present the content. Section titles to be used for pages three to five:
1. Background
1-3 short paragraphs on the history of the issue, how it developed, who has been involved, what actions or progress have been taken to date.
2. Key Issues
6 -8 key points which describe the importance of the subject to your organization, to the public and to your community.
3. Conclusion
Other section titles can be created and included in the key issues section.
By way of suggestion other section title possibilities could be
ü Statistical data
ü Demographic trends
ü Community Challenges
ü Contemporary Implications
ü Visible Outcomes
Whatever section titles the writer chooses; they should be relevant to the topic and help to move the narrative towards a conclusion that is supported with documented evidence.

60’s scoop settlement

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