Studying Abroad


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Studying Abroad

Having found secondary research and learned about the scholarly conversationsurroundingyour topic in the Annotated Bibliography, you are ready to develop an original researchstudythat will allow you to contribute to the scholarly conversation about your topic.For this project, you will develop an original Research Question (RQ) that you willexaminethrough a small-scale survey. This survey will allow you to explore an aspect of the topic thatnoother source has yet examined. You will report your study through an IMRAD-style reportthatsituates your research study within the context of the larger scholarlyconversation ,explaininghow your original findings contribute to what we know about your topic.

Studying Abroad

AudienceAs always, write so that a general academic reader could understand—what Irvin calls the“imagined reader who is coolly rational, reading for information, and intending to formulateareasoned response.” You should also write for other academic researchers who mightbeinterested in conducting research on this topic; therefore, you should write objectively,specifically , and with the goal of helping futureresearchers . Genre &Conventions You will write an IMRaD-style report (Introduction, Methods, Resultsand Discussion). TheIMRaD report is a very common genre in academic writing. Although each field varies slightly,the IMRaD report forms the basis for reporting research findings throughout mostacademicdisciplines.● APA-formatted title page

Studying Abroad

● Introduction: Attract the readers’ attention, offer an overview of the broad topic, discussimportant patterns in previous scholarly research on the topic, and explain how yourspecific research study can contribute to the conversation. Explain your ResearchQuestion (RQ), provide your hypothesis for what you think you will find, and explain howyour research could be applied more broadly or contribute to the existing research.

● Methods: Detail the methods you followed for your research so that anotherresearchercould easily replicate the study to verify your results. Include specific details aboutthestudy’s methods (procedures and distribution),target population(s),participantprivacy/safety, etc.

Studying Abroad

● Results: Report in objective detail the information you collected from conducting yourstudy. Include at least TWO graphs visualizing key data points.

● Discussion: Offer a critical interpretation of your results by discussing what your resultsmight show, imply, or suggest about the RQ and your hypothesis. Discuss how yourresults add to what other sources have said about the topic. Discuss interesting resultsand possible reasons for these results.

Studying Abroad

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