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HUMANITIES 1301 MUSEUM ASSIGNMENT, FALL, 2019 San Antonio Museum of Art (SAMA) Below (A, B, C) are the THREE sections the paper must contain. You should label each section in your paper. Please type in Times New Roman font and use 12 point font. Use double spacing. A. Describe, Compare, and Contrast On this self-guided tour you will locate two works of art from any of four different cultures. You should pay attention to all of the works but be prepared to select and focus upon two works of art that you find most significant during the tour. The two works that you select to write about must be from two different cultures. Provide: 1. Name/title of the works 2. Name of the Artists 3. Date the works were completed 4. Compare and contrast the works of art.


Describe them carefully, with as much detail as you can muster. 5. Describe the materials and techniques the artists used to create the work. 6. Speculate about the artist’s intentions or reasons for making the work look the way it does. 7. Explain how the cultural value system, the religion, and the historical period, can be “seen” in the works of art. Be specific. 8. Identify the sponsor or patron who paid for the work, if there was one. 9. Summarize what you have said above, concisely. (This section, 1-9 above, must be 400 words minimum, 600 words maximum.) B. Personal Responses 1. Identify which ONE of the two works of art you like best. In this section you are encouraged to use phrases such as I feel or I believe. 2. Explain what attracts you and why this is the case. Explain, explain, explain – that is, give reasons for your personal response to the work that you like best. 3. What psychological effects, feelings, motivational states, etc., do the works of art generate for you? (This section, B. must be 200 words minimum, 250 words maximum) C. Concluding Reflections 1.


In what ways are the artworks that you selected, or any of them that you saw on the tour, similar to artworks that surround us today in our culture, from music videos to advertisements? 2. In what ways are the artworks that you selected, or any of them that you saw on the tour, different from artworks that surround us today in our culture, from music videos to advertisements? 3. What do these similarities and differences reveal about our 21st century, American, popular culture, our values, and our tastes? (This section, C, above must be 200 words minimum, 250 words maximum) REMINDER – INSTRUCTIONS: You may write more than the minimum length. However, papers that do not meet the minimum word count for each section will not be graded, resulting in a score of zero. DUE IN CLASS Typed, printed, and stapled copy, hand delivered please. No emailed papers please. SORRY, NO LATE PAPERS. THIS IS YOUR Outline for Note-Taking at the Museum –


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