The Mexican-American War


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The Mexican-American War

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Research Paper Guidelines – Fall 2019

Students are required to write a five-page research paper (not counting graphics and works cited page). All research paper topics must be within the context of American history from the origins of Native Americans to Reconstruction. As an alternative to choosing their own topic, students may write a research paper on any of the alternative topics listed below.

It is expected that students will properly cite and support a thesis with evidence-based historical analysis. Students are required to use a minimum of four scholarly non-fiction print books (or e-books) as sources for research papers. Students may not cite from Wikipedia, textbooks, novels, almanacs, encyclopedias, podcasts, documentaries, or movies when writing their research papers. Students may only use scholarly books as sources for research papers.

A hard copy of the research paper will be due by the end of class on Tuesday, October 15. Research Papers must also be e-mailed to the instructor by 8 p.m. on Tuesday, October 15. The research paper & proposal are worth 30% (150 points) of the course grade. The research paper grading rubric is based on these guidelines.

The Mexican-American War

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Research Paper Proposal

Students are required to write a research paper proposal. The research paper proposal must include a brief description of the topic and a list of the scholarly books with their authors. A hard copy of the research paper proposal is due by the end of class on Thursday, September 12. The research paper proposal must also be e-mailed to the instructor by 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 12.

Note: Students are required to turn in a research paper & proposal in order to receive a passing grade in History 100.

Alternative Research Paper Topics

  1. The Columbian Exchange between the New and Old Worlds.
  2. The causes of the Pueblo Revolt of 1680.
  3. The Stono Rebellion.
  4. The causes of the American Revolution.
  5. The Lewis & Clark Expedition.
  6. The Cherokee & the Trail of Tears.
  7. The Mexican-American War.
  8. Mining camps during the California Gold Rush.
  9. The causes of the American Civil War.
  10. African American soldiers during the American Civil War.
  11. The Mexican-American War

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Late work

The instructor reserves the right to refuse unexcused late work or deduct points from it.

Written Assignments

All written assignments must be typed, double spaced, and use a black 12-point font on 8-1/2 x 11-inch white paper with 1-inch margins on all sides. Please type your name, date, and the time your class section begins on all written assignments. If an assignment has two or more pages, please staple it before class. All written work must also be e-mailed to the instructor as an attachment in either a Word or PDF format so that it can be scanned for plagiarism.

Students are required to use the MLA documentation style for all written assignments in this course. The following website provides information on how to use the MLA documentation style:

The Mexican-American War

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