Specific symbols attached to characters in Eowyn kills the witch king of Angmar


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Specific symbols attached to characters in Eowyn kills the witch king of Angmar

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Does the theme appeal to the viewer and make the story relatable?

Film analysis link to the scene of the movie that I need to write about
= https://youtu.be/dQ_-rmuPZC
focusing on a cinematic sequence taking into consideration costumes,
special effects, the soundtrack, and other artistic elements of the
sequence. Formally analyze your piece based on your own observations;
your thoughts and ideas will be very important to the completion of this
assignment, do not use outside sources for this assignment. Answer all
of the questions listed below. As this is a college-level course correct
formatting, grammar and citations are expected.

Your paper must be double-spaced with one-inch margins, use 12-point
Times New Roman font, and your pages must be numbered. It should not use
the first-person (i.e. I/we/us) or second person (i.e. you/your) voice,
but rather should present your ideas in a third-person objective voice
(the artwork/the artist/etc.). A hard copy of your paper must be
presented in class on the due date noted on your syllabus. Major points
will be deducted for late papers.

Specific symbols attached to characters in Eowyn kills the witch king of Angmar

Your paper should contain all of the following:

1. Introduction (one paragraph): What is your artwork? Provide the
artist, title date, medium and culture or period it was created in.
Present a thesis statement explaining the goal or main focus of your paper.

2. Formal Analysis (three pages): Include the following criteria:

a. Plot: Is the plot written in everyday language or set in a specific
historical time and place? Is the storyline clear and organized or
disorganized? Does the plot involve action? If so, is the action a
crucial part of the story? Does the plot contain a resolution or lack a
resolution? Why or why not? Is there an overarching theme present? How
is the theme incorporated into the plot? Is there a specific concept or
complex situation presented? Does the theme appeal to the viewer and
make the story relatable?

Specific symbols attached to characters in Eowyn kills the witch king of Angmar

b. Characters: Are the characters struggling with a specific situation
or problem? Do the characters appeal to the viewer? Do the characters
reveal psychological or moral depth or are they representative of a
stereotype? How do the actors/actresses create their characters? Are
their performances convincing or unconvincing? Why or why not? Are there
specific symbols attached to each character? If so, what are they?

c. Camerawork/Lighting: How have the shots been framed? Is there a
feeling of intimacy or does the viewer have objective distance from the
work? How do editing decisions affect the way the work is presented to
the viewer? How important is the editing to moving the storyline along
and why? Is there a clear source of light or does it come from a variety
of locations? What areas are highlighted, which are in shadow? How does
this affect the ability to decipher figures and space? Does the light
direct your eye to specific actors or areas of the screen?

Specific symbols attached to characters in Eowyn kills the witch king of Angmar

d. Mise-en-scene: Do costumes, props, or scenery accompanying the
actors/actresses? How do the actors/actresses wear or interact with
them? How does the mise-en-scene help to set the background details of
the scene like time, place, profession, class, age, race, gender or
perhaps other stereotype of the actors/actresses? Be specific. Are
special effects used, if so, which effects and how?

e. Music and Rhythm: Is there a score or music present? If so, how
crucial is the music to the story or mood of the piece? Do you clearly
notice the music or is it subtly worked into the film. Does each piece
of music represent a specific character or type of scene (a battle or
romantic scene for example)?

f. Genres: Does the genre (comedy, drama, romance, documentary, etc.)
display specific characteristics, if so, what are they? Does the
director uphold traditional interpretations of the genre or deviate from
them? Be specific. How does the genre relate to other qualities of the
film like character, plot, music, mise-en-scene, etc.?

Specific symbols attached to characters in Eowyn kills the witch king of Angmar

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