Is culture diversity gaining acceptance in Finland or waste of time?


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Is culture diversity gaining acceptance in Finland or waste of time?

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The experiences of colored people living in Finland? (Childhood Focused)Guidelines for
professionals. We- house is located in a multicultural area which eventually means that children from bi-
or even tricultural will be attending the We house in their free time. The purpose of this
research is to instill tolerance, global perspective, intercultural communication, diversity
competence and many well-needed attributes into our professionals working at the
We-house. The first thing we should look at is culture and cultural diversity training.
Literature review questions;
1. What is culture diversity training? (Is it gaining acceptance or is it waste of time?)
2. The different types of cultural training and the one we need for this guide
3. What have been the impacts of cultural diversity training overall
Concepts I shall mention;
1. Introduction on the subject (coloured children in Finland now adults)
2. Sense of belonging (Project muse, Dr.brene brown, identifying black..talking back.pdf
3. Racism is complex, different forms of racism (defined by harrell 2000….
4. racist based incidents really have negative aftermath on children once they reach
adulthood (racist-based incidents..
5. Stereotypes, ideologies, values, privilege
6. Prevention spreading awareness to the professionals in the education system, about
the importance of empowering coloured children.
7. methodology
8. Summarise

Is culture diversity gaining acceptance in Finland or waste of time?

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Purpose of the thesis;
● Demonstrating knowledge & Understanding the aftermath of complex racism can
cause in coloured children, later in life (adulthood, childhood trauma)
● Spreading awareness to the professionals in the education system about coloured
children, so that they can better empower the selfhood and the identity of those
● Decrease social marginality and increase integration, sense of belonging and
● Not so much to reveal racism but to reveal where there is a lack of knowledge to do
better when In contact with coloured children
References I might use;
literature review (Creswell, 2014).  The book Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and
Mixed Methods Approaches by Creswell (2014)I will also theoretically review and reflect on
findings using sociological and psychological theories and concepts.
Racist Incident-Based Trauma (Check laptop files PDF)
Giving voice to experiences: parental maltreatment of black children in the context of
societal racism (PDF)
Talking back. (PDF)
Racism and Invisibility (PDF)

Is culture diversity gaining acceptance in Finland or waste of time?

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When a child feels different…..sense of belonging dr.brene brown Young.pdf
Talking Back: Voices from the African Diaspora in Finland text.pdf social work.pdf



Project muse.pdf

Biringen, Z., and Easterbrooks, M. A. (2012). The integration of emotional availability into a
developmental psychopathology framework: reflections on the special section and future
directions. Dev. Psychopathol.​24, 137–142. doi: 10.1017/S0954579411000733
Perspectives to consider (Not my own words.)

● For example, children frequently interact with teachers, siblings, babysitters, and
friends, and these relationships have an increasing effect on children’s lives as they
get older.

Is culture diversity gaining acceptance in Finland or waste of time?

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● Thematic Approach on IPA Method  Literature Review
If you have found some recurring central themes, you can organize your literature
review into subsections that address different aspects of the topic. For example, if
you are reviewing literature about inequalities in migrant health outcomes, key
themes might include healthcare policy, language barriers, cultural attitudes, legal
status, and economic access.
● Even estimating the number of Finns belonging to racial minorities is difficult, as
there are no statistics available. Neither the government nor local authorities
collect racial data, nor do official statistics specify ‘race’. In international
comparison, there has been little research on racism in Finland (Suomen
Akatemia/Academy of Finland, 1999). Concepts like ‘racialization’, ‘racial
categories’ and ‘racial identities’ are not common in Finnish research on racism,
where the focus has been on the attitudes of the majority, on the integration of
immigrants or on ethnic minorities.
● We define racist incidents as cognitive/affective assaults on one’s ethnic
self-identification. These assaults can be verbal attacks, physical attacks, or
threats to livelihood, but because they are racially motivated, they strike the core
of one’s selfhood. The assaults can be sudden or systematic, intentional or
unintentional, or overt or ambiguous and can be perpetrated by an individual
(individual racism) or institution (institutional racism) or by cultural hegemony
(cultural racism).
● From demographic statistics based on countries of origin one can surmise, that the
majority of Africans in Finland arrived in the 1990s and thereafter. The largest
group is the Somalis, who have arrived as asylum seekers since the end of the
1980s. Today there are over 20 000 African-born people in Finland. Estimating the
numbers of their children born in Finland, or other Black immigrants from the
diaspora, is difficult since the Finnish census only specifies country of origin, not
ethnicity or race. Although, for instance, the remarkable growth in the number of
children of mixed parentage can be.

Is culture diversity gaining acceptance in Finland or time wasting

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