Leadership & Organisational Development Essay


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Leadership & Organisational Development Essay

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A very unique piece as it’s a lot of self reflection included and there
is a need to know about my personality and circumstances so I will
include that in a document. THIS IS THE CORE READING ABOUT OD, so please
analyse if possible as most of approaches, theories and frameworks will
be there. Cheung-Judge, M. & Holbeche, L. (2015). Organisation
Development: a practitioner’s guide for OD and HR (2nd ed) Kogan Page,
Philadelphia, Pa; London.
Please read the full context (module handbook) about the module so you
will understand how it was structured including group work which I
failed. I’ve been working full-time and I was unable to be part of the
group project, tutor suggested to look into these two competencies via
non-engagement (not being present, lack of attendance) lens and
supporting with key theories how that affects organisational
development, please refer to the document ME for the further guidance.
From the two OD themes probably it would be smart to choose
1.Trust/Power/Control and 6. Relational approaches to change/
person-centred change. These two need to be supported by relevant
theory, but I will leave that to you if you think there is better ones
from these 6 to compose the piece around (AFTER GOING THROUGH THEORIES I
NON-ENGAGEMENT AND NOT BEING PRESENT. At the bottom of module handbook
you will see the list of suggested references, that will help a lot but
please do go outside of it. For organisational development I’m adding a
lecture which include necessary theories such that the competency should
be analysed through, such as (Single Loop Learning, Double Loop
Learning, Value from Mistakes, Holographic Design, Senge 1990, Schein’s
1985 Three levels of Culture if writing how lack of attendance damages
organisational culture and etc. For trust/power/control the theories
from the lecture would be good to combine something with Defence
Mechanisms, Self – Limitation, ‘Basic assumption’, or any other that you
think would fit with the context, I’m adding the lecture as well. The
marking criteria is truly important on this one, to conclude the piece
need to state what happened (lack of attendance made me not being a part
of the group, how that would affect OD, me personally and how that made
me not completing component A, group presentation etc) + why it happened
(financial difficulties, having to work 2 jobs, studying from home) +
what you learnt from it (eg. presence is everything when considering OD
you can say that could influence power, control if you think that’s the
applicable lens to look through) + what that learning suggest about how
you might behave more effectively in the future (eg. improve attendance
to be part of the group, that could lead to improved project delivery,
my own power/control aspects, healthy mindset etc etc.
Theme 1
Theme 2

Leadership & Organisational Development Essay

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