Steel connections in fire


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Steel connections in fire

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15TH   ΜΑΥ 2020

Instructions for the editing and formatting of the full-length paper to be included in the Proceedings of the Conference

Please follow the instructions below for the editing and formatting of your paper.

The full-length paper should be written either in Greek with an Abstract in English or in English with an Abstract in Greek.

The full-length paper should be submitted in electronic format (in Microsoft WORD (*.doc) Format) and the filse should not exceed 3 MB. The full-length paper must have a maximum length of 10 pages (9 pages+1 page the Abstract in English) that should be submitted as an attachment in the following e-mail address:

In the following text instructions for the preparation of the full-length paper are given. Specifically: All the text, figures, tables, pictures or anything else should be placed in a page of Α4-format with a 2.54 cm top margin, 2.54 cm bottom margin, 2.75 cm left margin and 2.75 cm right margin. The line spacing should be single and the space after changing line should also be 0 times. After the final submission the correction of possible errors or omissions is impossible.


Steel connections in fire

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1.1    Full-length paper

The full-length-paper begins with the title, after 4 empty lines counting from the upper part of the page

TITLE OF FULL-LENGTH PAPER (12 pt, Times new Roman font bold, maximum 60 characters)

After 2 spacing the following should be written (for each of the writers)

The abstract should not be more than 15 lines (12 pt, Times new Roman font).

1.2    Font and format to be followed

The font should be Times new Roman, size 12 pt, with single line spacing and the space before and after the paragraph should be 0 points with full justification. Every new paragraph should start without space, after one empty line. Hyphenation of words will not to be used.

The format of headings should be in capital letters, as follows.

HEADINGS (12 pt, Times new Roman font bold)

1.3    Figures (plots and pictures) and tables

Fig. 1 Caption of the picture Arial 10pt italics

For better processing and transfer of figures, images and photographs during printing the *.jpeg format should be preferred.

Figures, pictures, photographs, tables, plots etc., should be given in electronic format and are to be inserted in the text as shown in the above example (in-line with text).

Tables, diagrams etc should be placed close to their reference position, where mentioned for the first time. For tables Table 1-, and for figures and images Fig. 1- below every table, figure and image, respectively.

The image resolution is proposed to be 150×150 dpi (dots per inch) and 300×300 dpi for other figures. All tables and diagrams etc should be centered and follow the format below:

Title    Material    Unit    Value
Title    Material    Unit    1.870,00
Title    Material    Unit    1.870,00
Sum    Material    Unit    1.870,00
Table 1. Indicative table format

Steel connections in fire

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1.4    Equations

The equations are to be inserted with the το equation editor (in Microsoft Word), as shown below. The font size and type is to be the same as in the text of the paper. The equation numbering should be continuous, and aligned to the right. Reference to the equations should be made with their number in parentheses, e.g. according to eq. (1).


1.5    Footnotes
Footnotes should not to be used.

1.6    Units
Exclusive use of SI units.
Decimal separation is to be made with a comma “,”.

1.7    Analysis, conclusions, and references
The paper should end with the final conclusions and comments. The references should follow the conclusions, if they are considered necessary.

1.8    References
The references should be numbered and listed according to their row of appearance and citation in the paper. Their number as referred to in the text should be as shown e.g. «[1]».

[1]       SURNAME1 NAME, SURNAME2 NAME, SURNAME3 NAME and SURNAME4 NAME “Paper title”, 6th National Conference of Metal  Structures, Vol. 120, No. 6, 2008, pp. 1718-1731.

1.9    Page numbering
The pages will be numbered by the publisher.


The full papers should be submitted by May 15th, 220.
The filename should follow this format:
PAP<surname of first author>,
e.g. PAPsurname.doc
If someone is the first author of more than one submitted paper:
PAP_surname1.doc, PAP_surname2.doc, …

After receiving the full-length paper, a confirmation e-mail will be sent.

Αn example of the full paper format follows.

(4 spaces)

Steel connections in fire

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TITLE OF FULL-LENGTH PAPER (12 pt, Times new Roman font bold, maximum 60 fonts)
(2 spaces)

Name Surname (12 pt, Times new Roman font bold)
Job title/position (12 pt, Times new Roman font)
Company, institution (12 pt, Times new Roman font)
Town, Country (12 pt, Times new Roman font)
E-mail: mail@mail(12 pt, Times new Roman font)
(1 space)
Name Surname (12 pt, Times new Roman font bold)
Job title/position (12 pt, Times new Roman font)
Company, institution (12 pt, Times new Roman font)
Town, Country (12 pt, Times new Roman font)
E-mail: mail@mail(12 pt, Times new Roman font)
(4 spaces)

1. ABSTRACT (12 pt, Times new Roman font bold)
(1 space)
The abstract regarding the subject of the paper should not be more than 15 lines. (12 pt, Times new Roman font)
(2 spaces)

2. INTRODUCTION (12 pt, Times new Roman font bold)
(1 space)
In the introduction the main subject of the work is presented(12 pt, Times new Roman font)
(2 spaces)

x. HEADINGS (12 pt, Times new Roman font bold)
(1 space)
The rest of the text is presented (12 pt, Times new Roman font)

(1 space)
Fig. 8: Example of a diagram
(1 space)
Title    Material    Unit    Value
Title    Material    Unit    1.870,00
Title    Material    Unit    1.870,00
Title    Material    Unit    1.870,00
Sum    Material    Unit    1.870,00
(1 space)
Table 1: Example of a table
(1 space)
The rest of the text is presented (12 pt, Times new Roman font)
(2 spaces)

x. COMPARISON – CONCLUSIONS (12 pt, Times new Roman font bold)
(1 space)
Conclusions (12 pt, Times new Roman font)
(2 spaces)

x. REFERENCES (12 pt, Times new Roman font bold)
(1 space)
[1]       SURNAME1 NAME, SURNAME2 NAME, SURNAME3 ΝAME and SURNAME4 ΝAME “The article’s title”, Conference or other source, Vol. 120, No. 6, 1994, pp. 1718-1731.

Steel connections in fire

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