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BUSI 201 Group Project Part 2

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Group Project – Part 2 Instructions

After learning about the Access program, you have determined that some of your data from the budget is better suited for Access. The Members spreadsheet you have created could be a great way to keep track of church members and their donations. Keeping this data in a two-dimensional spreadsheet could become difficult as you begin to add multiple donations for each member. Instead, you will use the relational power of Access to keep member data in multiple related tables.


  1. Members (Relevant chapters – Access 1–2)
    1. Import your data from the Members spreadsheet into a new Access database table named Members.
    2. Be sure to add a primary key—a field that will uniquely identify each member. Remember that you must not use names or information that could potentially be repeated as a primary key.
    3. Create a second table that will house the donations from each member. Identify an appropriate field to exist in both tables that will serve as a common field.
    4. Create a relationship between your 2 tables. Resolve any potential errors in your database design at this point.
    5. Add data to the new Donations table. Include at least 30 donations and ensure that some members have multiple donations entered.
  2. Enter Donations (Relevant chapter – Access 3)
    1. Develop a form for entering new data called Enter Donations.
    2. This form must be designed so that you can easily enter new donations without going to the Donations table.
    3. The goal here is a clean, comprehensible appearance that allows any user to quickly add new information to the database.
  3. Major Donors (Relevant chapter – Access 4)
    1. Create a query that will display all users with donations over an amount of your choosing.
    2. Name the query Major Donors.
  4. Mailing Labels (Relevant chapter – Access 3)
    1. Create a report that will allow you to print mailing labels for all members in the database.
    2. Name the report Mailing Labels.

In addition to Excel and Access, you have learned some advanced features of PowerPoint. Develop a PowerPoint that will summarize the work that you have done in your group.


BUSI 201 Group Project Part 2

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  1. Member Introduction and Group Summary
    1. Briefly introduce each group member. Include a picture and a short description of the individual’s strengths and contributions to the team.
    2. Add each group member’s favorite Bible verse and an explanation of how this verse has served as a guiding light in his/her work with the team. (If it has not, have the member be honest and describe why or explain how he/she can better use the verse to guide his/her actions in the future).
    3. Your PowerPoint must walk the audience through your group’s process and the highs and lows that may have occurred along the way.
  2. Ethical Implications and Biblical Worldview
    1. Add several slides considering the ethical implications of using software applications to house real data similar to that which you have used in your project. What responsibility do the creators and users of technology bear in ensuring the truth is conveyed in the use and manipulation of data? Discuss the balance between absolute truth and using data to reach a particular goal. How does this relate to your conduct as a student and in a real-world setting? Support your ideas from a biblical worldview and include at least 3 Bible verses. Outside sources are not required, but if they are used, you must cite them correctly using current APA format.
    2. Remember that this is a presentation and not a paper—bullet points and short statements are preferred over longer paragraphs, but your message must be clear. Source information and additional comments can be placed in the Notes section of your slides.
  3. Required Elements
    1. In your presentation, you must include a table, pictures, SmartArt, slide transitions for all slides, slide numbers, a title for each slide, and a theme.
    2. There is no slide number requirement—use as few or as many slides as you need to effectively complete the project.

Submit Group Project – Part 2 by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Friday of Module/Week 8.

BUSI 201 Group Project Part 2

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