Theories of Consumer Behaviour


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Theories of Consumer Behaviour

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Theories of Consumer Behaviour . Doritos is an American brand of flavoured Tortilla Chips. From 2006 – 2016, Doritos held a popular contest: consumers were asked to create an advertisement that was action packed, fun, something new. The advertisement that won the contest was shown during the American Superbowl (the Final of the American Football …).

You find a TV interview about one year’s contest. (Video 1)1
You can watch the winning advertisements for the 10 years the contest was run in Video 2 (attached) (lots of other examples of entries are also available on youtube…)

Your Task

Apply three (3) internal consumer behaviour (CB) concepts that provide explanations why this marketing campaign (the Doritos Crash the Superbowl Contest) was so successful.

1 This contest is no longer available – and neither is the mentioned URL

Task in detail: Part A: Choose from any internal CB topic that we have talked about in class:

Learning and Memory
Motivations, Personality and Emotions
Attitude and Attitude Change
The Self Concept

… for each of this topic, we have talked about different models/theories etc. Every specific model/theory counts as one of the ‘three (3) internal consumer behaviour (CB) concept’ as specified above.

Part B. B. a.: Discuss the background of the model (= the theory), referring to the textbook and at least one additional reference (a textbook or an academic article)

Theories of Consumer Behaviour

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This part examines your level of understanding of the theory

B.b.: Discuss in detail how the Doritos Crash the Superbowl campaign relates to your chosen internal CB concept (apply the CB concept to the campaign)

This part examines your ability to apply a CB concept to a real-life example (=Doritos).

Part C: Finally: In a conclusion, bring the three concepts together and show how they together can explain the success of Dorito’s campaign. Theories of Consumer Behaviour Assignment

Format: Your assignment should be written in an essay format. 12pt font, 1.5 line spacing

a brief introduction to set the scene (max. 100-150 words)
discuss three internal CB concepts & apply the Dorito’s scenario to these concepts (this section has a max of 1000 words – approx. 330 words for each concept, split roughly into 50% discussion of the theory and 50% application)
bringing it all together at the end (approx. 200-250 words)

total word count max. 1400, (+/- 10%)

Please note:

Approach this assignment in the same way you are approaching the exercises in the lectures or the tutorial exercises: look at a real-life situation (= a marketing campaign) and apply your Consumer Behaviour (CB) knowledge to that situation. There are many CB models/theories/topics that can be applied – choose three that you think fit well.
This assignment is a Consumer Behaviour assignment – detailed knowledge about Doritos’ or the Superbowl campaign is not necessary. You will be graded based on your knowledge of CB concepts and the application of these CB concepts to the example provided.
You can approach this assignment from two points of view: from the people who have participated in the contest by creating an advertisement or from the view of consumers of Dorito’s Tortilla chips (or, you swap the views you take and e.g. discuss one CB concept from the contest participant’s and two from the consumer’s view … ). You need to make it clear, from what point of view you are investigating Dorito’s.
You are not allowed to contact any company for information

Theories of Consumer Behaviour

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