waste electrical and electronic equipment


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waste electrical and electronic equipment

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waste electrical and electronic equipment. E-waste is also referred to as waste electrical and electronic equipment
(WEEE) and is solid waste that has become a very complex problem in
terms of collection, storage, recycling and disposal. Handling e-waste
is an international issue experienced by developed and developing
countries alike. Consider the ubiquitous cell phone, which has valuable
material inside such as plastics, gold, silver and platinum but it also
contains toxic materials like lead, mercury and cadmium. For both
reasons, it seems a waste and a hazard to just throw cell phones away in
a landfill.

You may want to visit the EPA site on eCycling (Links to an external
site.) as you begin answering the following questions in your Main
Discussion Board Post.

Do you think that manufacturers of computers, television sets, cell
phones, batteries and other forms of electronic devices should be
required to take them back when they become e-waste at the ends of their
useful lives for repair, remanufacture and reuse, or recycling in a
manner that is environmentally responsible and that does not threaten
the health of recycling workers or scavengers? Explain your answer by
providing at least three arguments for or against.
Would you be willing to pay more for these products to cover the costs
of such a take-back program? If yes, then what percent cost above the
purchase price would you be willing to pay for electronic products?
Justify your answer.
Find an example of one of the following and provide a narrative
description that includes details relating to e-waste, collection,
storage, recycling and/or disposal:
A Company that has an e-waste policy,
An incident involving the improper handling or disposal of e-waste,
Any country law or treaty that addresses e-waste.
Provide proper references for any material you use from primary sources.

waste electrical and electronic equipment

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