Walmart Strategy to the Chinese Market


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Walmart Strategy to the Chinese Market

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While more and more multinationals crave to invest in China in a bid to maintain a lead in a highly competitive market economy, it remains unquestionable that Walmart’s decision to venture in this part of the world has not been rosy. Although China has witnessed an exponential growth in the recent past, many firms have seen this impetus as a strategic fodder for investment. However, various factors such as legal impediments, consumer habits, management culture, scanty information about the Chinese has been a hindrance to Walmart’s ambitious expansion in the Chinese market. This paper sets out to evaluate internal and external variables as far as the Walmart strategy to the Chinese market is concern. While the PESTEL model would help define the environment under which Walmart operates, the SWOT analysis is pertinent especially in making suggestions when it comes to changing the aspects of direct procurements, adopting the Chinese system and culture, altering the positioning approach and enhancing the proficiency to scale back expenses, offering safe and also by premium goods and services.

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