Discussion Board Forums


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Discussion Board Forums

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During Modules/Weeks 3-6 of the course, you will participate in 4 Discussion Board Forum Interactions. While the forums are separated, think of them as a continued conversation spanning all 4 of the modules/weeks over which the forums are assigned. Your threads and replies will build off of the previous module/week’s discussion, as well as include content from the most recent module/week. The following 4 areas will be discussed throughout the 4 modules/weeks:
1. Moralistic Therapeutic Deism (Module/Week 3)
2. The Sacred/Secular Divide (Module/Week 4)
3. Worship and the Biblical Worldview (Module/Week 5)
4. The Impact of the Gospel (Module/Week 6)
These discussions are designed to help you think through the impact your theological understanding has on your everyday life. Your worldview will be taken into consideration as it relates to how you engage with society.
You must participate a minimum of 2 times for each forum interaction. To participate, you may either post 1 thread and 1 reply, or 2 replies (a reply to a reply or a reply to a thread) in order to keep the conversation moving.
You are expected to participate actively in the online discussions, to read the discussions several times each module/week, and to post substantive responses at least twice each module/week. Your replies must not be completed all at one time. The purpose is to have a conversation. If you were speaking with friends, you would hopefully not be the only person speaking for a long time while the others remained silent. Replies created within short time spans will be flagged and reviewed. You may not receive credit for Discussion Board Forum Interaction replies that are posted too soon after your most recent thread/reply. Your instructor reserves the right to this review and judgement. For example: A post at 11:55 p.m. one night followed by a new post at 12:25 a.m. the next morning is an example of such a violation.

Discussion Board Forums

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Your thread and all replies must be substantial and thoughtful in nature. Again, these interactions are meant to mimic conversation. Conversations include statements as well as questions. Remember not only to engage with the provided prompts, but to engage with your classmates as well. Substantive answers will reveal signs of active listening and application of content. Limit the length of your posts to 200-300 words each.
In addition to answering all prompts, you are expected to interact with other participants and probe their thinking. Refer to course readings and videos and engage with biblical texts before responding. You are required to check the discussion board postings frequently and to participate consistently while engaging thoughtfully in the discussion.

Submit all responses by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of the assigned modules/weeks.

One bible source per each forum


Discussion Board Forums

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