Implementing Global Operations and Supply Chain Infrastructure Changes


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Implementing Global Operations and Supply Chain Infrastructure Changes

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Write a 4-6 page report that describes the steps needed to implement recommendations for improvements in the global company and prioritizes the recommendations to account for time.

When working in a global company, an operations manager needs to be able to implement recommended changes, supported by systems theory, to infrastructure. Implementation of recommendations requires applying global operations concepts and supply chain management systems design and strategies.

Select one of the following options to guide your research and prepare the deliverable that outlines the implementation plans.

Option 1

Implementing Global Operations and Supply Chain Infrastructure Changes

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Using the same company you used for Assessments 1 and 2, assume your recommendations for improvement from Assessment 1 have been accepted, and the cultural, legal, and ethical concerns from Assessment 2 have been addressed. Address the elements from the Requirements section below related to the company’s concerns about implementation of the recommended changes for their global operations and supply chain. Follow specifications in the Deliverable Format section for your selected company and global market.

Option 2
Your recommendations for improvement from Assessment 1 have been accepted, and the cultural, legal, and ethical concerns from Assessment 2 have been addressed. The parent company has authorized you to close the newly acquired business, Mainland Tools, for 30 days and make the necessary changes to improve the supply change operations.

You must plan how you would increase production to account for the down time. While you have been granted a 30-day closure, you are concerned the project may take a little longer. To address this concern, you should consider increasing production before the closure to build a 45-day inventory, which would also mean increased labor costs before the closure.

You have a project manager working with you, and the project manager will be responsible for the logistics of the project. The project manager provided you with a Project Management Matrix [PDF] to help you understand how the project is structured. The project manager needs your input on the priority of the recommendations you have made. Since you know the project may go over the 30-day timeline, assume the last recommendation may not be completely implemented. Start thinking about alternatives to your last recommendation if it is not fully implemented and there are cultural, legal, and ethical ramifications.

Implementing Global Operations and Supply Chain Infrastructure Changes

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Your Role
You are a manager of operations and supply chain for the parent company. The newly acquired global company will be implementing your recommendations for updating operations. You must use systems thinking to prepare for and prioritize the implementation.

Create a report that addresses the following, either for Mainland Tools or your selected company.

Analyze and describe the value of each of your three recommendations from Assessment 1, prioritize them, and provide a rationale, focusing on the value each recommendation brings to the supply chain and operations.
Apply systems theory to explain how elements across the global operations and supply management chain system can work together to provide strategic advantage when implementing the recommendations.
Consider the table below. During implementation, the easy wins are ones that are fast to implement and have a high impact.
Consider the following elements of the infrastructure of the global operation. (Remember to explain how they could work together to provide strategic advantage.)
Information infrastructures. (Example: It might be easier to implement new software as opposed to building a relationship with a supplier in 30 days.)
Staffing, skill development and employee training, and relationship management.
Marketing needs.
Financial management and cost of implementation.
Benefits of the changes.
Timeframes for implementation of the changes.
Time to Implementation vs. Impact to the Business


High Impact Fast to implement/high impact on the business Slow to implement/high impact on the business
Low Impact Fast to implement/low impact on the business Slow to implement/low impact to the business
Analyze the rationale for the decision to increase production to increase inventory for a 30-day supply or a 45-day supply of product.
Explain the importance and strategy of quality benchmarks and continuous quality improvement. Describe how you will monitor quality elements during implementation.
Refer to the Execution column of the Project Management Matrix [PDF].
The key to quality assurance is to determine the following:
Frequency of quality checks.
Measurement of results.
Planning for corrective action.
Analyze the options for alternatives if your last recommendation is not implemented. The alternatives should include:
How long the alternatives will be used.
The plan to implement your recommendation while the company is fully functional as opposed to the 30-day closure.
The impact the alternative will have on the overall success of your supply chain.
Evaluate the impact of cultural differences on the implementation process in global markets and supply chain.
Deliverable Format
Report requirements:
Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality.
Use at least five scholarly resources, cited in APA format.
Your report should be between 4-6 pages, single spaced.
Use 12 point, Times New Roman.
Related company standards:
Use a professional report format of your choice. Remember that you are preparing a professional document meant for executive leadership with limited time. Your report should follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (available in the MBA Program Resources), including single-spaced paragraphs. If you are new to this type of writing and document style, you may wish to use these sections as a way to organize your report:

Implementing Global Operations and Supply Chain Infrastructure Changes

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Title Page.
Analysis of the value and priority of each of recommendations and explanation of rationale.
Analysis of global operations and supply chain infrastructure elements working together to provide strategic advantage during implementation.
Explanation of quality assurance practices.
Analysis of the implications for production and inventory from planned closure.
Analysis of implications and alternatives due to time constraints.
Evaluation of implications of cultural differences on the implementation process.
Appendix (as needed).
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria.

Competency 1: Apply systems theory to global operations and supply chain management system design and strategies.
Analyze the value and priority of each of the recommendations for operational improvements and explain rationale.
Explain the importance of quality benchmarks and outline continuous quality improvement plans.
Competency 2: Apply systems theory to organizational infrastructure to support global supply chain management systems.
Analyze global operations and supply chain infrastructure elements to provide strategic advantage during implementation, including production, inventory, planned closure, and any alternatives.
Competency 3: Evaluate effect of cultural differences on global operations and supply chain management systems.
Evaluate implications of cultural differences on the implementation process in the global market.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.
Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.

Implementing Global Operations and Supply Chain Infrastructure Changes

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