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Before assessing control risk at a level lower than the maximum, the auditor obtains reasonable assurance that controls are in use and operating effectively. This assurance is most likely obtained in part by:
Which of the following is most likely to provide an auditor with utmost assurance about the effectiveness of the operation of internal control?
Monitoring is considered:
Effective internal control requires organizational independence of departments. Organizational independence would be impaired in which of the following situations?
Tests of controls are most likely in which of the following situations?
Of the following statements about internal control, which one is not valid?
Auditors must have an understanding of the various terms that relate to their consideration of internal control of an organization. For each term presented below, select the category that most clearly defines or includes the term. The categories may be selected once, or more than once.
Tests of controls do not address:
Which of the following is least likely to be a test of controls?
The preliminary assessments of control risk are often referred to as:
At the completion of the audit, the auditors are least likely to know:
Which of the following is an example of a validity test.
Which of the following is an example of application control activities in IT systems?


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What is the IT process called when data processing is performed concurrently with a particular activity and the results are available soon enough to influence the particular course of action being taken or the decision being made?
When auditing an IT based system, the auditors may use the “integrated test facility” technique, sometimes referred to as the mini–company approach, as an audit tool. This technique:
LAN is the abbreviation for:
End user computing is most likely to occur on which of the following types of computers?
When erroneous data are detected by computer program controls, data may be excluded from processing and printed on an exception report. The exception report should probably be reviewed and followed up by the:
An accounts payable program posted a payable to a vendor not included in the online vendor master file. A control which would prevent this error is a:
When an online real-time (OLRT) IT processing system is in use, internal control can be strengthened by:
The auditors would most likely be concerned with which of the following controls in a distributed data processing system?
The auditors would be least likely to use software to:
Auditors often make use of computer programs that perform routine processing functions such as sorting and merging. These programs are made available by IT companies and others and are referred to as:
Which of the following is least likely to be considered by the auditors considering engagement of an information technology specialist on an audit?
Which of the following is an advantage of generalized audit software packages?
The increased presence of user operated computers in the workplace has resulted in an increasing number of persons having access to the system. A control that is often used to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive programs is:
An auditor will use the computer test data method in order to gain assurances with respect to the:


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