Capella BUS4993 Unit 3 Assignment 2


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Capella BUS4993 Unit 3 Assignment 2

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Discussion Participation Self-Assessment for Units 1–3


Follow the instructions outlined in this assignment to complete a self-assessment of your participation in the course discussions for Units 1–3.

This self-assessment is intended to provide you with the opportunity to reflect on your discussion contributions and evaluate how they fulfill the grading criteria. Before completing this assignment, review the Discussion Participation Scoring Guide, including the participation guidelines. Review your discussion posts and responses from these units, using the following criteria for evaluation.

For each dimension (A–C), select the option (1–4) that you think best applies to your performance:

  1. Applying course concepts, theories, and materials in initial discussion posts:
  • A1: I provided all required initial discussion posts on time; the comprehensive posts correctly applied course concepts, theories, and materials.
  • A2: I provided some (although not all) required initial discussion posts on time; the comprehensive posts correctly applied course concepts, theories, and materials.
  • A3: I provided all (or at least some) required initial discussion posts, but the posts might not have comprehensively applied course concepts, theories, and materials.
  • A4: I was unable to provide any initial discussion posts or did not provide them on time.
  • Relating peer comment posts to relevant course concepts:

Capella BUS4993 Unit 3 Assignment 2

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  • B1: I provided all required peer comment response posts on time; the substantive posts related the discussion to relevant course concepts.
  • B2: I provided some (although not all) required peer comment response posts on time; the substantive posts related the discussion to relevant course concepts.
  • B3: I provided all (or at least some) required peer comment response posts, but the posts possibly were not substantive or did not relate the discussion to relevant course concepts.
  • B4: I was unable to provide any required peer comment response posts.
  • Applying relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences in discussion posts:
  • C1: I applied relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences in my initial and peer response posts.
  • C2: I, at times, applied relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences in my initial and peer response posts.
  • C3: I applied professional, personal, or other real-world experiences in my initial and peer response posts, although at times, those might not have been relevant to the discussion.
  • C4: I did not apply relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences in any initial or peer response posts.

Record the answers you have selected in the assignment submission box. Add a comment, if you wish, and then Submit your self-assessment. For example, you might submit the following:

Capella BUS4993 Unit 3 Assignment 2

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  • A1: I provided all required initial discussion posts on time, with comprehensive posts that correctly applied course concepts, theories, and materials.
  • B2: I provided some (although not all) required peer comment response posts on time, with substantive posts relating the discussion to relevant course concepts.
  • C2: I, at times, applied relevant professional, personal, or other real-world experiences in my initial and peer response posts.
  • Comment: I enjoyed the discussion activities in these units. In reviewing my posts, however, I do not think I completed them as comprehensively as I would like to have, and I intend to improve on that in future weeks.

Your instructor will review your self-assessment and will also provide an independent assessment of your relevant discussion participation. Your instructor’s assessment of your discussion participation will be a component of your course grade. Note: The grade you receive for this assignment will not be determined by your self-assessment, but by the instructor’s assessment of your discussion participation.

Capella BUS4993 Unit 3 Assignment 2

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