AFRICA: Gorillas in our Midst


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AFRICA: Gorillas in our Midst AND 7. AFRICA: Ecotourism

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This program presents five case studies of how tourism impacts the economy, culture, and environment. Examples given are from China, the U.S., Nepal, Dubai, and Africa.

World Tourism Case Studies, Films on Demand, Bellevue University, 2008
Answer the questions related to three of the six segments or pair of segments shown below. It is important that you keep in mind the film was created in 2008.

1. USA: Cruise Tourism Alaska

Research the cruise line capacity in Skagway today. The film said at that time (2008), there were 6000 cruise line visitors and that cruise ship passengers spend more than $160 million a day in southeast Alaska. What is it today?
Research the flags of convenience of cruise ships. How much does this practice still affect Alaskan tax base? How much does it affect the health and welfare of the cruise employees? Have conditions improved?
Have cruise ship standards for emissions improved since this film was made? If so, how? How much?
Has Juneau placed a limit on the number of cruise ships that can dock? Should they, in your opinion?


2. CHINA: Shangri-La

How successful has Bob Moseley been in his reaching his goals related to the Great River Project Area? Research progress to date vs. the goals he stated in 2008 when the film was made.
The film states that a major tour developer created what was supposed to be a sacrosanct nature reserve, but instead it looks like a gulag that is visited by thousands of tourist every day. Locals believe it has ruined the environment and caused the demise of the Nahki (Naxi) culture. One local resident was 100% sure the Nahki (Naxi) culture would be ruined within 5 years (of the time the film was made). Research whether the Nahki culture has been preserved.
The town of Lijiang is supposed to be in a protected state from development and exploitation. What is the status of this town? What steps have been taken to enforce the protection?
Another project referred to in the film is the Kawagarbo Conservation Site involving the Mingyong Glacier and Kawagarbo Peak. Research the current status of this project and any effective measures to date.


3. NEPAL: Mountain Tourism AND 4. NEPAL: Everest National Park

The film describes how the locals wear face masks and car emissions being among the worst in the world. It also describes the state of the Bisnumati River and how “children play alongside scavenging pigs.” What are the pros of tourism in this region?
Numerous issues exist in this region, including the issues in Kathmandu vs. the issues in the Himalayas. These include the pollution of Kathmandu the city, as well as the environmental issues such as deforestation in Nepal. In the town of Namchi, it was estimated that every hot shower taken by tourists and trekkers uses three trees worth of wood. Is wood for fires still an issue? How has it been addressed, if at all?
Research the effectiveness of the campaign to clean up the rubbish in the region and the success (or failure) of the rubbish bond that was described in the film described by Rob Hall.


4. DUBAI: Desert Tourism

Dubai’s goal is to have 20 million tourists a year by 2020. Are the estimates still on track?
The park manager for Dubai’s ski dome described several positive ways in which the ski dome gives back to the environment. Research whether the environmental effects of this attraction are more positive or negative. What steps have been successful in minimizing the effects on Dubai’s culture and ecology?
Dr. Hessah Lootah discusses feeling a loss of belonging in Dubai. Sareed Al Tayer commented on the high use of water in Dubai and the fact that the water will continue to rise. Another source described the uphill battle in a city where 90% of people are foreigners, with no long-term investment in its future. Research and describe the UAE’s sustainability plans and its relation to tourism, if any.


5. AFRICA: Gorillas in our Midst AND 7. AFRICA: Ecotourism

Tourism is keeping Africa’s gorilla population alive. Research the current practice of ecotourism in Africa and debate the positive side to this practice and any negative effects to culture, animals, and environment. What, in your opinion, makes this a successful endeavor? Compare this to the other case studies in the film.
Rosette Rugamba of the Rwandan Tourism Authority stated “we want to make sure that tourism helps conserving. And you really cannot conserve if you\’re over-exploiting what you have”. Search to find any indication of exploitation that result from this tourism business.
Assignment Requirements:

Due by 11:59 p.m. Monday CT
APA format required (title page, citations, and references)
Submit your paper as a Word document in the 3.2 World Tourism Case Studies Assignment link.
4-6 pages (1200 word minimum)


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