Supply Chain Infrastructure and Operations


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Analyzing Global Supply Chain Infrastructure and Operations

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Write a 4-6 page report that includes a description of the current state of operations and supply chain infrastructure of the scenario company provided or a company of your choice. Propose three research-based recommendations for improving the operations of the global company.

When working in a global company, an operations manager needs to be able to analyze the infrastructure of the global operations and supply chains. Then, the manager provides ideas for improvement to company leadership.

Select one of the following options for your company analysis. You will use the same option for all your assessments in this course.

Option 1
Select a company that has encountered problems during expansion of its business into a particular global market. Address all the elements from the Requirements section below as they relate to that company’s concerns for their global operations and supply chain. Follow the instructions in the Deliverable Format section to create the deliverable for your selected company and global market.

When selecting a company, be sure to:

Review all four assessments to make sure the company will apply to their requirements.
Choose a company for which you will be able to find information about their supply chain, operations, departments, infrastructure, et cetera for all of the assessment requirements.
Document any assumptions you will need to make in your deliverables.
Option 2
Your global company, Thomson Tools, has acquired a small company in China and needs to evaluate their processes and infrastructure to become part of the supply chain. The acquired company, Mainland Tools, is also an experienced provider of products and technical support to customers in North America. They are using older equipment, and the parent company, Thomson Tools, is a leader in supply chain efficiencies.

Analyzing Global Supply Chain Infrastructure and Operations

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The Mainland Tools building is an older structure and was built in segments as the company grew. Limited thought was put into the expansion of the building as it grew due to demand. The warehouse is at the opposite end of the building from the shipping and receiving area, and there are times when products must be stored at an offsite location 5 miles away.

Many of the Mainland Tools processes are done on paper, and the company relies on interoffice mail for main communications to fill orders. In an average month, 15 percent of the paper documents are lost, and shipment is delayed or never takes place.

Mainland Tools generates approximately $6 million dollars per year.

Your Role
Option 1
You are manager of operations and supply chain for a company of your choice that is beginning to expand their global business. They have recently acquired a new global company in a new market in a strategic purchase. The new company/partner is lacking in processes and infrastructure or has some other challenges. Your job is to evaluate these issues and make recommendations for improvements. Note: If you make assumptions about the new global company, outline them in your deliverable, as needed.

Option 2
You are a manager of operations and supply chain for Thomson Tools. The recently acquired Mainland Tools in China was a strategic purchase, but their processes and infrastructure are lacking.

You will need to travel to China for one month and evaluate their processes and suggest improvements. Your suggestions must provide measurable success at the end of a 12-month period. You have been authorized to shut down the Mainland Tools facility for up to one month for renovations if the return on investment could justify the improvements.

Analyzing Global Supply Chain Infrastructure and Operations

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Write a report for leadership that includes the following:

Write a brief one-paragraph description of the current state of operations and supply chain infrastructure of the new global company in Option 1 or Mainland Tools (the new partner) in Option 2. You will need to make assumptions and should include them in your description.
Analyze the current state of the operations and supply chain infrastructure of the new global company in Option 1 or Mainland Tools in Option 2 from a systems thinking perspective. You will need to make assumptions and should outline them in the analysis, as necessary. Note: Systems thinking is a way of looking at the enterprise like an organism with interdependent parts, each with its own specific function, but with interrelated responsibilities.
Select two elements of infrastructure listed below to analyze.
Technology: mobile and digital processes, telecommunications, IT infrastructure.
Facilities: internal product movement, work flow, layout planning, warehouse space and temperature controls, plant and warehouse location.
Required elements: sanitation, water supply, electricity supply, environmental safety.
Process design: receiving products, asset management, just-in-time inventory, quality management.
Transportation selection: aviation, ports, roads and railways, plants and machinery.
Tactical considerations: sales and operations planning, master production scheduling, material requirements planning, distribution, transportation planning.
Select one of the elements related to operations listed below to analyze.
Supplier relationships: purchasing selection for cost effectiveness and minimizing supply-related risks.
Theory of constraints: performance measures evaluate effectiveness of improvements to enable the system to profit from:
Increased throughput.
Reductions in inventory.

Analyzing Global Supply Chain Infrastructure and Operations

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Reductions in operating expense.
Lean operations: elimination of waste and inefficiency in manufacturing.
Demand management: determining accurate customer wants, then coordinating processes and procedures both within the firm and across its supply chain to meet demand quickly and efficiently.
Other operational decisions: inventory control, quality control, production scheduling, performance measurement, customer relations management.
Design and assess the current value stream map for the new global company or Mainland Tools. Draw the proposed future state value stream map. Provide a brief explanation for each map, and include the maps in the appendix of the report.
Propose three recommendations for operational improvements at the new global company or Mainland Tools, based on academic theory, to address issues of infrastructure.
Two recommendations should be related to the two infrastructure elements you analyzed, with an outline of how efficiencies will be gained and/or money saved to provide strategic advantage.
One recommendation should be related to the operations element you analyzed, with an outline of how efficiencies will be gained and/or money saved to provide strategic advantage.
Write a strong conclusion.
Deliverable Format
Report requirements:
Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message and quality.
Use at least five scholarly resources, cited in APA format.
Your report should be 4–6 pages, single spaced.
Use 12 point, Times New Roman.
Related company standards:
Use a professional report format of your choice. Remember that you are preparing a professional document meant for executive leadership with limited time. Your report should follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines (available in the MBA Program Resources), including single-spaced paragraphs. If you are new to this type of writing and document style, you may wish to use these sections as a way to organize your report:

Analyzing Global Supply Chain Infrastructure and Operations

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Title Page.
Executive summary.
Brief partner company description.
Company analysis.
Infrastructure analysis.
Operations analysis.
Value stream map explanation.
Appendix (include current- and future-state value stream maps and any additional data, reports, charts, et cetera to support your analysis).
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria.

Competency 1: Apply systems theory to global operations and supply chain management system design and strategies.
Describe the current state of the supply chain infrastructure and operations of the newly acquired company, including assumptions.
Analyze the current state of the supply chain infrastructure elements based on systems theory.
Design current and future value stream maps of the newly acquired company.
Competency 2: Apply systems theory to organizational infrastructure to support global supply chain management systems.
Propose research-based recommendations for cost-effective improvements for supply chain infrastructure and operations to provide strategic advantage.
Competency 5: Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.
Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the business professions.

Analyzing Global Supply Chain Infrastructure and Operations

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