Antiarrhythmic activity in the isolated heart


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Antiarrhythmic activity in the isolated heart

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Report if for practical 2, but all the given information for practical 1 was also used for practical 2 .given sources can be useful too. Given excel sheets contain PRACTICAL 2 RESULTS. Each group used 3 solutions in their experiments and it literally sums up the results from that.

Word count is again given for each section;

  • Structured abstract 250 words,
  • Introduction up to 600 words and up to 10 cited papers,
  • Methods up to 2,000 words and up to 10 cited papers (explain the

choice of concentrations of drugs used and why the study was “blinded”

and “randomized”.

  • Results up to 600 words plus figures/figure legends and tables (when

it appears more appropriate to summarize the data this way than to use

plain text).

  • Describe what the test solutions did to the main variables of interest.
  • Discussion up to 1,000 words and up to 10 cited papers. Consider these issues:

Antiarrhythmic activity in the isolated heart

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  • What do the effects tell us about the potential therapeutic uses of

the primary drug we are examining, the possible mechanisms of action,

and scope for adverse effects?

  • What factors complicate interpretation of the results and how might we

control for this in future?

  • What additional experiments might be done to provide a clearer

picture, had we the time?

  • List of references in a consistent style of your choice
  • If all went well there will be four groups of hearts with n=8 per group. This is sufficient to permit meaningful statistical analysis. We will analyse the data for you, but you may select to do more yourself.

    Antiarrhythmic activity in the isolated heart

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