Applied Project Capstone


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Applied Project Capstone

Applied Project Capstone. Students are responsible for submitting an Applied Project Capstone based on an organizational problem/issue relevant to your current (or former) workplace and/or profession and integrating all of the coursework you have taken in the MAA. Note: The organization will be Patrick Air Force Base.

My Topic for the paper is: Toxic Leadership and its effects on Productiveness and Moral at Patrick Airforce Base.

Research Question: DO employees at Patrick AFB feel that their performance is affected by Toxic Leadership.

Your paper should be prepared as if you had been asked by your organization’s top decision makers to conduct a study of a particular key problem/issue and prepare an internal consulting report to be presented to them with your recommendation(s). It should be an examination of an issue that is relevant and has an impact on operational practice and performance and also has a potential implementable solution. In developing your paper you should follow these eight steps:

1) Identify and clarify the issue or problem (Introduction in Project Paper);

Applied Project Capstone

2) Discuss its importance and potential or real impact on the organization, including components you have learned in each course of the MAA degree program (Organizational Assessment part of Paper);

3) Review of the literature related to the issue or problem (Literature Review);

4) Develop at least three alternative solutions or ways to address the issue or problem, using knowledge and skills which you have gained in your MAA coursework and additional research (part of Discussion of Possible Solutions in Paper);

5) Evaluate the pros and cons of each solution, using knowledge and skills which you have gained in your MAA coursework and additional research;

6) Recommend one of the alternative solutions and state your rationale, using, again, knowledge and skills which you have gained in your MAA coursework and additional research;

7) Recommend a plan and timeline for implementation; and

Applied Project Capstone

8) Develop and discuss a process for follow-up and the evaluation of results.

Your submitted Final Paper will include the following sections:

Please use these section titles in your Project Paper:

1) Assignment Cover Sheet (last page of this syllabus)

2) Title Page

3) Executive Summary

4) Introduction (item #1 above) This begins page 1!

5) Organizational Assessment (item #2)

6) Literature Review ( item #3)

7) Discussion of Possible Solutions (items #4 and #5)

8) Recommendation(s) (item #6)

9) Specify a Plan and Timetable for Implementation (item #7)

10) Proposed Evaluation of Results (item #8)

11) References

12) Appendix (survey instrument; data; appropriately related articles/research) Must also include a copy of the survey question that tie into the research.


The information in your paper will be held confidential but you may change the name of the organization, individuals, etc. for security reasons. The length of the paper should be a minimum of 25 pages (not counting the cover sheet, reference page or appendix),double spaced, typed on 8 ½ x 11 paper, 12 pt. font, with a minimum of ten scholarly references (not including any internal organizational documents).

Applied Project Capstone

Where citations and quotations from authors have been used they must be properly documented using APA publication standards. In addition, the paper should include a Cover Sheet (see Assignment Cover Sheet in Appendix) and a one page Executive Summary.

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Reflection Paper (10%)

Students will submit a 3 page Reflection Paper using the following questions as a guideline:

(a) How do you see the M.A. in Administration degree assisting you in attaining your personal and professional goals?

(b) Did the overall program meet your expectations?

(c) Which course(s) in the degree program do you feel were most/least beneficial to you?

(d) Your recommendations for improving the program?

Please submit answers in separate file Example. The Capstone applied project one document and thethree page reflection paper another document.

Applied Project Capstone

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