HWE 420 Week 1 Discussion 1
HWE 420 Week 1 Discussion 1 1. Dose-Response Relationship. 1st Post Due by Day 3. After reviewing Chapter 1 in the text, the ACSM article on The Quantity and Quality of Exercise, and the Physical Activity Guidelines website, consider the following: The frequency, intensity, type, and duration of exercise have a strong correlation to […]
NR 504 Week 8 Discussion
NR 504 Week 8 Discussion Week 8 has arrived and it provides an excellent opportunity to reflect—to self reflect on your leadership journey that started eight weeks ago. For the discussion provide a comprehensive response to each of the following topics: 1. Based upon your learning experiences in NR504, […]
NR 504 Week 8 Discussion
NR 504 Week 8 Discussion Week 8 has arrived and it provides an excellent opportunity to reflect—to self reflect on your leadership journey that started eight weeks ago. For the discussion provide a comprehensive response to each of the following topics: 1. Based upon your learning experiences in NR504, […]
Week 7: Discussion
Week 7: Discussion Involvement in interdisciplinary professional coalition/organizations allows the healthcare professional to stay current in their field or specialty, gain an understanding and navigate sociol-political environments, as well as contribute their ideas to their healthcare specialty. Research your state’s exemptions and differences within your state regarding laws requiring […]
Week 4: Emotionally Incompetent Behaviors
Week 4: Emotionally Incompetent Behaviors Emotionally incompetent behaviors can destroy a teamâs ability to achieve a specific goal.From the following list of incompetent behaviors (Porter-O’Grady & Malloch,2015), select one behavior, develop a fictitious example that demonstrates the selected behavior, and then identify two techniques that a leader could use […]
Week3: Complexity Communication
Week3: Complexity Communication The following is a quote from James Humes—“The art of communication is the language of leadership”. Porter-O Grady and Malloch (2015) noted the presence of complexity communication. Critical listening, critical questioning, and critical thinking were each identified as an element of complexity communication. Select two of […]
NR504 Week 2Discussion
NR504 Week 2Discussion Step into a Leadership Whirlwind by clicking on the icon below. After listening to the Whirlwind identify two issues and develop a specific plan that would facilitate improvement for C.J. Your plan requires scholarly support for the actions as well as providing C.J. information useful […]