Case “Energy Gel: A new product introduction (A)”


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Case “Energy Gel: A new product introduction (A)”

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Your group has been recently hired as external consultants of High
Performance Corporation (HPC). Your main task is to advise Harry Wickler
and the Board of HPC on the decision to introduce the new product Energy
As Board members do not have much time, your group is expected to
present a short note advising on this capital budgeting decision. You
should duly justify your analysis.
For simplification reasons, you should focus the analysis on cashflows
and assume a discount
rate of 12%.

Hints: the report should discuss the following topics:

  1. decision rule(s) to support capital budgeting decisions;
  2. cashflows to include in / exclude from the analysis;
  3. assumptions taken and
  4. sensitivity analysis.
    Surely you may include other topics you may find also relevant.General guidelines for report:
    > The report should have maximum 4 pages, excluding tables and figures.
    Respect the page
    limit. We recommend you to use Times New Roman size 12, or a similar
    letter, with 1,5 line
    spacing. Please identify your report with your group number.

    Case “Energy Gel: A new product introduction (A)”

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    > Be professional in your presentation. This note is targeted to the
    Board members of a large
    corporation. Be sure all tables have the adequate format. You should
    include the unit of all
    figures (%, thousands, units, etc) and don’t forget to format figures
    getting rid of too many
    decimal points or too long numbers.
    > You should not report an excel file, only a pdf with the report
    > Do not deliver just some non-transparent collection of exhibits
    (tables and figures) – always
    explain what you are doing.
    > Number and name all your exhibits so that you can refer to them easily
    in the text.
    > Always justify your assumptions and conclusions, comment on your results.
    > Be concise – write to the point.
    > Hand-written works will not be considered.
    > Beware of plagiarism. Check the handbook on this issue.

    Although the report is only required to have 4 pages, I would like the
    writer to also include figures and tables to justify all decisions.

    Case “Energy Gel: A new product introduction (A)”

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