HMGT 300


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HMGT 300

Question 1 (4 points)


According to the National Institute for Health Care Management: Understanding U.S. Health Care Spending article, which of the following are correlated with the rising obesity rates in the U.S.? (Select all that apply)

Question 1 options:

Increase in other chronic health conditions
Increase in the determinants of health
Increase in health spending
Decrease in provider visits

Question 2 (4 points)


HMGT 300

As of 2009, national health expenditures in the U.S. were approximately what percentage of the Gross Domestic Product?

Question 2 options:


Question 3 (4 points)


According to figures from the National Health Expenditure Accounts (NHEA), how much was spent on health care in the U.S. in 2009?

Question 3 options:

$1.25 trillion
$2.5 trillion
$3.75 trillion
$5.0 trillion

Question 4 (4 points)


Which of the following have contributed to the increases in the cost of health care? (select all that apply)

Question 4 options:

HMGT 300

New medical technology
Growing rates of obesity
Perverse provider reimbursement mechanisms (i.e. fee-for-service)
Expanded insurance coverage
The practice of defensive medicine

Question 5 (4 points)


Comorbidities require less sophisticated coordination of care.

Question 5 options:


Question 6 (4 points)


According to “Crossing the Quality Chasm,” redesigning the healthcare system involves which of the following:

Question 6 options:

Evidence-based care
Effective use of information technology
Paying higher salaries to clinicians
All of the above
None of the above
Both a and b

Question 7 (4 points)


The Institute of Medicine Committee specified a blueprint for a health care delivery systems in the 21st century that will result in an ideal system if followed.

Question 7 options:


Question 8 (4 points)


According to the Institute of Medicine, Coverage Matters: Insurance and Health Care article, historically, some of the factors that influenced whether someone was uninsured included:

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Question 8 options:

Marriage status
All of the above
None of the above
Both a and b

Question 9 (4 points)


Historically, most of the uninsured in the U.S. have been illegal immigrants.

Question 9 options:


Question 10 (4 points)


Medicaid fills in the gaps in the availability of health insurance by:

Question 10 options:

Covering all people below the poverty line
Covering just low-income children
Covering certain groups of low-income people
All of the above

Question 11 (4 points)


According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, which group accounts for the most Medicaid spending?

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Question 11 options:

Children under the age of 19
Unemployed adults
Elderly and disabled adults
Dual-eligibles over the age of 65

Question 12 (4 points)


Meaningful Use sets the specific objectives that eligible professionals and hospitals must achieve to participate in the EHR Incentive Programs.

Question 12 options:


Question 13 (4 points)


Providers who prove compliant with meaningful use regulations will receive what tangible benefit?

HMGT 300

Question 13 options:

A meaningful use compliance certification
Decreased government regulation
Government incentive payments
Acceptance onto the stage 3 rules committee

Question 14 (4 points)


In comparison to the general population, patients receiving Long-Term and Post-Acute Care services typically:

Question 14 options:

Have a smaller range of conditions
Have less complex conditions
Have a wider range of conditions that are more complex
Have less complex conditions that are wider in range

Question 15 (4 points)


According to the Long-Term and Post-Acute Care (LTPAC) Roundtable Summary Report of Findings (Anderson), what are the two ways to capture data discussed in the article?

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Question 15 options:


Question 16 (4 points)


The article “Adoption of Electronic Health Records in the United States” stated that there are eight barriers to adoption of Electronic Health Records. Specifically, the article mentions the barrier of “Time” and stated that productivity is initially reduced when caregivers start using the EHR’s. This is due to:

Question 16 options:

The Lack Curve
The Learning Curve
The Boonstra Effect
The Interconnect Effect

Question 17 (4 points)


The article “Adoption of Electronic Health Records in the United States” discusses government incentives related to reform to adopt information technology in meaningful ways. The ____________ Act includes spending to create a network of Electronic Health Records.

HMGT 300

Question 17 options:

Health Outcomes

Question 18 (4 points)


The article “Adoption of Electronic Health Records in the United States” stated that in order to be considered multifunctional, Electronic Health Records need to have at least two of the following capabilities:

Question 18 options:

Generation of patient information, generation of patience, order exit management, decision support
Generation of patient registry, generation of healthy outcomes, order entry management and character support
Generation of patient information, generation of patient registry and panel information, order entry management and decision support
Generation of patient information, generation of registry and panel information, order entry management and healthy outcomes

Question 19 (4 points)


The Chief Medical Information Officer is a physician who bridges the process of information management and medical practice. This position is usually seen as:

Question 19 options:

More administrative than clinical
Equally administrative and clinical
More clinical than administrative
All clinical and no administrative responsibilities–it’s a symbolic position

Question 20 (4 points)


The initiation of the electronic medical record is a new strategy in today’s healthcare environment but actually began as far back as:

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Question 20 options:


Question 21 (4 points)


As described in the Health Affairs article, “Strategic Action in Health Information Technology: Why the Obvious has Taken So Long,” we have come a long way in healthcare IT over the past thirty-five years. However, observers have expressed repeated concerns since it’s inception. Of those concerns the most prevalent is:

Question 21 options:

The amount of data being collected
The effects on the physician/patient relationship
The accuracy of the patient data being collected
The ability to train users to be proficient in data management

Question 22 (4 points)


The National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS) was established by Congress more than fifty years ago to serve as a public advisory body to HHS on health data, statistics, and national health information policy. They have been extremely influential over the years in establishing standards for health data, health data systems and patient record systems. One of the most important and influential pieces of legislation the NCVHS developed is:

Question 22 options:

The Affordable Care Act
The Social Security Act
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
None of the above

Question 23 (4 points)


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States have the flexibility to design their own Medicaid programs within federal guidelines.

Question 23 options:






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