How congress undermines Immigration legal reforms


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How congress undermines Immigration legal reforms

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Term Paper Immigration Issues Directions: Please write a 4-page policy brief paper, incorporating specific elements as described below. Draw on appropriate course readings to substantiate your argument, as well as the additional materials that you are requested to explore. Essays should be well-organized and well-written. They should be typed, double-spaced, 12-point type, and have 1-inch margins. Papers are due end of the day on Sunday. December 1. Submit papers through Turnitin. Missing the paper deadline will result in a grading reduction. A. Guidelines: The term paper will use the issue of immigration reform as a way to display the course concepts. The paper’s structure must include the following elements below. Each item reflects a paragraph in a roughly 4-page paper. 1. Introductory paragraph, including a topic sentence and a “roadmap” or description of what will follow. The introduction should indicate and describe the issue(s) you chose to focus on in sections 5-7 (“Issues to Consider”).

How congress undermines Immigration legal reforms

Points will be awarded for each of these elements. 2. Discuss public opinion on immigration, the public’ fears, and the perceived desirability of reform. (a) Describe survey results of the public on immigration and (b) how reliable the survey is. (c) How do the results differ for Republicans and Democrats? Points assigned for each element. 3. Concept. As described by the readings and lecture, how do public preferences affect outcomes? Indicate 2 ways in which public opinion is important in creating policy changes. 4. Concepts. Based on the class discussion and readings, what is an “institution”? How might they affect a policy debate? What role they play in producing policy outcomes? 5-7. In specific, choose from the issues below to explain your points (see column 1 in the table below, “Issues to Consider”). Choose one or more item. Describe the role that each of the following institutions (see column2 in the table below, (Governmental Institutions”). Answer for each of the institutions separately. (1) (2) Issues to potentially include Governmental Institutions Choose one or more Answer for all Sanctuary cities Congress (House and/or Senate) The regular appropriation process and the use of emergency authority to build a wall Presidents Executive action (e.g., Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) or Executive Order 13769 — Immigration bans on certain countries’ residents Judiciary Legislative actions, such as the DREAM Act bill, prior House (e.g., H.R. 4437) or Senate (e.g., S 744) legislation 5-7.

How congress undermines Immigration legal reforms

Comment on how each of the institutions (Congress, Judiciary, and Presidency) have taken in advancing or undermining immigration legal reforms, border security, or other changes to the status quo. (a) Describe the roles of the relevant political institutions in leading to policy outcomes. (b) Explain in particular how these cases illustrate the separation of powers/checks and balances. How do the branches of government interact? For example, describe how the Presidents have attempted to get around the separation of powers. 8. Describe federalism. First, what is the basis for it in the US Government; i.e., where is it described? And, second, what does it do? 9. Describe the role of the states in implementing immigration policy. What does the Constitution say for the roles of the federal government and state governments with respect to immigration and enforcement? 10. How have the immigration discussions influenced political campaigns? Describe the impact of the immigration debate on one Democratic and one Republican candidate in recent elections, including the 2016 or 2020 Presidential elections. Describe the specifics of the cases you cite, such as citing campaign advertisements, and reference your sources.

How congress undermines Immigration legal reforms

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