Managing Airline Systems (#2)


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Managing Airline Systems (#2)

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The Essay Question
To recap the essay question for the 2nd assignment is:
·    What model of HRM practice is the most widely practised by airlines in highly competitive markets and why?
Question components
Before answering the question you need to break down what it contains and identify the key focus of the assignment.
·    “What model of HRM practice…”  Identifies the assignment topic – HRM practice the methods, strategies and HRM processes  airlines use i.e. recruitment and selection, training and development, remuneration.
·    “…in highly competitive markets…” this is a contextual statement narrowing the focus of your discussion and analysis.  It means you should only be looking at the HRM practices of airlines operating in contested/competitive markets e.g. regions like the EU.

Managing Airline Systems (#2)

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The key elements of the question which should guide your answer though are:
·    “….is the most widely practised by airlines…” the key focus of the assignment is on examining research into airlines HRM practices, strategies and processes and figuring out which ones are the most commonly used i.e. if the majority of airlines are not using them then do not write about them.
·    “… and why?” – this final phrase means that it is not enough to simply say ‘this is what most airlines do in relation to HRM’ you have to explain why.  Why do they do these things and not these things?  Why are these particular practices more common?  What are they intended to achieve etc?
What the question is NOT about
It is easy when interpreting any assignment question to get bogged down by a literal interpretation of that question.  This frequently results in essays that focus on a very narrow interpretation of the question but miss the key requirements.  Things this assignment does NOT require you write about are:
·    What competition is – the question mentions highly competitive markets but you have not been asked to define or describe what they are.

Managing Airline Systems (#2)

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·    Deregulation and the history of the industry i.e. growth
·    What HRM is – you haven’t been asked to describe what HRM is, only to identify what HRM processes are being used.
·    Every HRM practice – only focus on the ones that are most commonly used.
·    Defining HRM practice – you have not been asked to describe for example what recruitment and selection is.  You have been asked to identify what methods the majority of airlines use to complete those (and other HRM) activities.
·    A specific region, market or airline – do not focus your attention on one country, region or airline. This also means you should not focus on specific examples i.e. just because Air NZ for example practices HRM in a certain way doesn’t mean that this is representative of the industry as a whole
·    HRM Models and theory – you have not been asked to describe the differences between different HRM theories, only to identify how airlines practice HRM.
What the question IS about
The assignment question mentions the term “Models of HRM” there are two ways of interpreting this.
1.    Define the phrase model to mean a specific  HRM model e.g. Harvard, Matching.
2.    Define the phrase model to be a means of describing how things are done.
In both cases what you must definitely do is:

Managing Airline Systems (#2)

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·    Find academic research that specifically discusses airlines HRM practices, strategies and processes.
·    Analyse that research and identify what practices, strategies and processes are the most widely used within the airline industry i.e. in relation to HRM most airlines use the following methods A, B and C.
·    Identify the reasons why particular practices, strategies and processes are the most widely used e.g. in using methods A, B and C airlines key objectives are X and Y and these methods are used because….
If you define an HRM model as specific theoretical concept then your assignment will have to identify the key components of that model and  then try to match them to what airlines are doing.  Remember your focus is NOT on describing that model.  That is research says airlines are doing X, Y and Z.  What model do X, Y and Z fit into to is it Model A, Model B, Model C etc.  You may find that NO model accurately describes what airlines are doing.  In doing so you will come up with 1 of 2 answers – either one particular model is dominant, or NO model is dominant.
Alternatively  rather than focus on specific HRM models you focus on identifying how airlines practice HRM and on identify what practices are the most prevalent. The term model in this case is not a specific HRM theory but “your” description of those most prevalent practices.

Managing Airline Systems (#2)

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