MAT-144 Peer Review Worksheet


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MAT-144Peer Review Worksheet


For ground students: review two students one time, online:review one student one time.

Part of your responsibility as a student in this course is to provide quality feedback to your peers that will help them to improve their writing skills. This worksheet will help you practice providing that feedback.

Author’s name:

Peer reviewer’s name:


After reading through the draft, write a summary (three to five sentences)of the paper that includes your assessment of how well the essay meets the assignment requirements as specified in the syllabus and the rubric.


Considereach of the following questions as you review the paper. Please be sure to indicate at least three positive aspects of the draft and at least three areas for improvement in reply to the questions at the bottom of this worksheet. Positive answers will give you specific elements of the draft to praise; negative answers will indicate areas in need of improvement and revision.

ReviewContent and Ideas

  • How effectively does the essayidentify the main points that the writer would like to make?
  • Is the logic the writer used to establish the content written in the paper clear?
  • Does the writer use examples and concepts from the text to support his or her decision?
  • How effectively does the essay’s content support the overall goal of the paper?

    MAT-144Peer Review Worksheet


  • How effectively does the introduction engage the reader while providing an overview of the paper?
  • How effectively do the paragraphs develop the topic sentence and advance the essay’s ideas?
  • How effectively does the conclusion provide a strong, satisfying ending, not a mere summary of the essay?

    MAT-144Peer Review Worksheet


  • How closely does the paper follow GCU formatting style?Is it double-spaced in 12 pt. Times New Roman font?Does it have 1″ margins? Does it use headers (page numbers using appropriate header function)?Does it have a proper heading (with student’s name, date, course, and instructor’s name)?
  • Are all information, quotations, and borrowed ideas cited in parenthetical GCU format?
  • Are all sources listed on the references page in GCU format?
  • Is the required minimum number of sources listed?

    MAT-144Peer Review Worksheet

Language Use and Style

  • Are the voice and tone of the essay effective in characterizing ideas and creating the appropriate mood?If “No,” please provide examples of ineffective or inappropriate voice and tone.
  • How effectively does the paper incorporate a variety of sentence structures that strengthen the ideas, create vitality, and avoid choppiness in the writing?
  • How would you assess the writer’s diction (i.e., word choice)? Does the writer use active verbs, concrete nouns, and precise words?

Grammar and Mechanics

  • Does the writer use proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling?If “No,” please provide examples of errors in need of correction.
  • Is the writing clear and comprehensible throughout the draft?If “No,” please provide examples in need of improvement.

Three things that I liked about your draft are:




Three things that could be improved are:




MAT-144Peer Review Worksheet

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