MIS 505 Final Exam Review 350 Questions and Answers


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MIS 505 Final Exam Review 350 Questions and Answers.

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MIS 505 Final Exam Review 350 Questions and Answers

 Questions: Review 1
  1. Methods in object-oriented programs use sequence, selection, and looping structures and make use of arrays.
  2. In addition to their attributes, class objects have methods associated with them; every object that is an instance of a class possesses different methods.
  3. Within any object-oriented program, you continuously make requests to objects’ methods, often including arguments as part of those requests.
  4. Declaring a class does not create actual objects.
  5. Class diagrams are a type of Unified Modeling Language (UML) diagram.
  6. The accessor method is another name for the set method.
  7. Object-oriented programmers usually specify that their data fields will have private access.
  8. All methods require a this reference.
  9. No object is necessary with a static method.
  10. Methods in a class are static instance methods by default.
  11. ____ is a style of programming that focuses on an application’s data and the methods you need to manipulate that data.
  12. Object-oriented programmers sometimes say an object is one ____ of a class.
  13. Objects both in the real world and in object-oriented programming contain ____ and methods.
  14. ____ are the characteristics that define an object as part of a class.
  15. When you think in an object-oriented manner, every object is a member of a ____.
  16. Object-oriented programmers also use the term ____ when describing inheritance.
  17. The concept of a class is useful because of its ____.
  18. Object attributes are often ____ to help distinguish them from other variables you might use.
  19. The data components of a class that belong to every instantiated object are the class’s ____.
  20. A(n) ____ is a program or class that instantiates objects of another prewritten class.
  21. The term ____ is applied to situations in which you define multiple methods with a single name.
  22. A ____ is a set of program statements that tell you the characteristics of the class’s objects and the methods that can … used by its objects.
  23. The term ____ implies that the type’s data can … accessed only through methods.
  24. A(n) ____ is a programmer-defined type, such as a class.
  25. In older object-oriented programming languages, simple numbers and characters are said to ____ data types.
  26. A(n) ____ consists of a rectangle divided into three sections.
  27. The purpose of ____ is to set the values of data fields within the class.
  28. Methods that set values are  ____ methods.
  29. The purpose of a(n) ____ is to return a value to the world outside the class.
  30. A ____ method is also known as a help method.
  31. A(n) ____ is the adjective defining the type of access (public or private) that outside classes will have to the attribute or method.
  32. In a class method, the ____ reference can … used only with identifiers that are field names.
  33. ____ methods are those for which no object needs to exist.
  34. ____ methods are methods that exist to … used with an object created from a class.
  35. In most programming languages, you use the word ____ when you want to declare a static class member.

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Questions: Review 2
  1. You can invoke or call a method from another program or method.
  2. When methods must share data, you can pass the data into and return the data out of methods.
  3. A method could … using any numeric value as an argument, whether it is a variable, a named constant, or a literal constant.
  4. A method’s return type is part of its signature.
  5. A method’s declared return type must match the type of value used in the return statement.
  6. Methods with identical names that have identical parameter lists but different return types are ambiguous.
  7. All modern programming languages contain many methods that are predefined.
  8. In implementation hiding, the calling method needs to understand only the interface to the method that is and it need not know how the method works internally.
  9. Most programmers consciously make decisions about cohesiveness for each method they write.
  10. Programs that use recursion are error-prone but easy to debug.
  11. The last statement in a method is a(n) ____.
  12. Variables and constants are ____ within, or local to, only the method in which they are declared.
  13. When a data item is known to all of a program’s modules, it is a ____data item.
  14. A calling method sends a(n) ____ to a method.
  15. A …. method accepts the value of an argument passed to it as its ____.
  16. A method’s name and parameter list constitute the method’s ____.
  17. You can think of the ____ in a method declaration as a funnel into the method.
  18. A variable usually is passed into a method by ____.
  19. Each time a method executes, any parameter variables listed in the method header are ____.
  20. The variables in the method declaration that accept the values from the actual parameters are ____ parameters.
  21. A method can return nothing, in which case the method is a ____ method.
  22. Programmers use the term ____ to describe any extra time and resources required by an operation.
  23. ____ provide an overview of input to the method, the processing steps that must occur, and the result.
  24. When multiple parameters appear in a method header, they constitute a(n) ____.
  25. Arrays, unlike simple built-in types, are passed by ____.
  26. ____ is the ability of a method to act appropriately depending on the context.
  27. When you ____ a method, you write multiple methods with a shared name but different parameter lists.
  28. Using implementation hiding means that the ____ is the only part of a method with which the method’s client interacts.
  29. ____ refers to how the internal statements of a method serve to accomplish the method’s purpose.
  30. ____ is a measure of the strength of the connection between two program methods.
  31. ____ occurs when methods excessively depend on each other and makes programs more prone to errors.
  32. ____ …….. do not depend on others.
  33. ____ occurs when a method is defined in terms of itself.
  34. A method that calls itself is a ____.
  35. Every time you call a method, the address to which the program should return at the completion of the method is stored in a memory location ____.

Questions: Review 3

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  1. The sorting process is  usually reserved for a relatively large number of data items.
  2. The most popular computer coding schemes include ASCII, Numeric, and EBCDIC.
  3. You can make additional improvements to a bubble sort to reduce unnecessary comparisons.
  4. An insertion sort is another name for a bubble sort.
  5. Two-dimensional arrays are never actually required in order to achieve a useful program.
  6. Some programming languages allow multidimensional arrays.
  7. It is relatively easy for people to keep track of arrays with more than three dimensions.
  8. You do not need to determine a record’s exact physical address in order to use it.
  9. When a record is removed from an indexed file, it has to … physically removed.
  10. Every time you add a new record to a linked list, you search through the list for the correct logical location of the new record.
  11. When records are in ____ order, they are arranged one after another on the basis of the value in a particular field.
  12. The ____ is often used as a statistic in many cases because it represents a more typical case.
  13. The ____ is skewed by a few very high or low values.
  14. When you store data records, they exist in ____.
  15.  ____ report, the records must have been sorted in order by a key field.
  16. When computers sort data, they always use ____ values when making comparisons between values.
  17. Because “A” is always less than “B”, alphabetic sorts are ____ sorts.
  18. In a ____, items in a list are compared with each other in pairs.
  19. When you learn a method like sorting, programmers say you are learning a(n) ____.
  20. To correctly swap two values, you create a(n) ____ variable to hold one of the values.
  21. A bubble sort is sometimes … a ____.
  22. When using a bubble sort to sort a 10-element array, on the fourth pass through the array list you detect that no swap has occurred. This indicates ____.
  23. When you sort records, two possible approaches are to place related data items in parallel arrays and to ____.
  24. In a(n) ____, if an element is out of order relative to any of the items earlier in the list, you move each earlier item down one position and then insert the tested element.
  25. An array whose elements you can access using a single subscript is a ____ array.
  26. A two-dimensional array contains two dimensions: ____.
  27. Each element in a two-dimensional array requires ____ subscript(s) to reference it.
  28. When mathematicians use a two-dimensional array, they often call it a ____ or a table.
  29. ____ are arrays that have more than one dimension.
  30. A record’s ____ field is the field whose contents make the record unique among all records in a file.
  31. As pages in a book have numbers, computer memory and storage locations have ____.
  32. When you ____ records, you store a list of key fields paired with the storage address for the corresponding data record.
  33. When you use an index, you can store records on a ____ storage device.
  34. One way to access records in a desired order, even though they might not … physically stored in that order, is to create a(n) ____.
  35. Every time you add a new record to a linked list, you search through the list for the correct ____ location of the new record.

Questions: Review 4

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  1. Images and music are contained in binary files.
  2. When you copy data from RAM into a file on a storage device, you read to the file.
  3. The keyboard and printer are the default input and output devices.
  4. Programmers usually use the word “write” to mean “produce hard copy output.”
  5. To write a program that produces a report of employees by department number, the records must … grouped by department number before you begin processing.
  6. You can easily merge files even if each file contains a different record layout.
  7. …. merge more than two files.
  8. You update the transaction file with data from the master file.
  9. The terms “parent” and “child” can refer to file backup generations, but they are also used for a different purpose in object-oriented programming.
  10. Files in which records must … accessed immediately are sometimes … instant access files.
  11. A ____ is a collection of data stored on a nonvolatile device in a computer system.
  12. When you write a program that stores a value in a variable, you are using ____ storage.
  13. ____ storage is not lost when a computer loses power.
  14. Files exist on ____ storage devices, such as hard disks, DVDs, USB drives, and reels of magnetic tape.
  15. The combination of the disk drive plus the complete hierarchy of directories in which a file resides is its ____.
  16. Directories and ____ are organization units on storage devices.
  17. ____ is the more general term for an entity that organizes files.
  18. ____ are groups of fields that go together for some logical reason.
  19. Characters are made up of smaller elements … ____.
  20. A database holds groups of files or ____ that together serve the information needs of an organization.
  21. In most programming languages, before an application can use a data file, it must ____.
  22. When you copy data from a file on a storage device into RAM, you ____ from the file.
  23. When you ____ a file, it is no longer available to your application.
  24. A ____ is a copy that is kept in case values need to … restored to their original state.
  25. —— is a file in which records are stored one after another in some order.
  26. A ____ is a temporary detour in the logic of a program.
  27. To generate a control break report, your input records must … organized in ____ order based on the field that will cause the breaks.
  28. A ____ break is a break in the logic of the program that is based on the value of a single variable.
  29. ____ files involves combining two or more files while maintaining the sequential order.
  30. When the records in a file are sorted in order from lowest to highest values, the records are in ____ order.
  31. The ____ file holds temporary data that is used to update the master file.
  32. The saved version of a master file is the ____ file; the updated version is the child file.
  33. ____ is processing that involves performing the same tasks with many records, one after the other.
  34. ____ applications require that a record … accessed immediately while a client is waiting.
  35. Because they enable you to locate a particular record directly (without reading all of the preceding records), random access files are also called ____ files.

Questions: Review 5

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  1. Many newer programming languages such as C++, Java, and C# use subscript 1 to access the first element of the array.
  2. You use subscripts 1 through 10 to access the elements in a ten element array.
  3. Many newer programming languages such as C++, Java, and C# use the bracket notation for arrays.
  4. Declaring a named constant makes code easier to modify and understand.
  5. A parallel array is an array that stores another array in each element.
  6. Parallel arrays must contain the same data type.
  7. You can improve the efficiency of a program by leaving a loop as soon as a match is found in the array.
  8. Arrays cannot … used if you need to search for a range of values.
  9. When you have a five element array and use subscript 8, your subscript is said to … out of bounds.
  10. The for loop is a good tool when working with arrays because you frequently need to process every element of an array from beginning to end.
  11. An array is a(n) ____ of values in computer memory.
  12. A(n) ____ is another name for a subscript.
  13. The number of elements in an array is ____ of the array.
  14. All array elements have the same group ____.
  15. Array elements all have the same ____ in common.
  16. Array subscripts are always a sequence of ____.
  17. In all languages, subscript values must … sequential ____.
  18. A program contains an array that holds all the names of the days of the week. Which of the following is true?
  19. Providing array values is sometimes ____.
  20. An array can … used to replace ____.
  21. The true benefit of using an array lies in your ability to use a ____ as a subscript to the array.
  22. Named ____ hold values that do not change during a program’s execution.
  23. Besides making your code easier to modify, using a ____ makes the code easier to understand.
  24. One advantage to using a named constant is that the statement becomes ____.
  25. When you search through a list from one end to the other, you are performing a ____.
  26. If you declare a variable to … Boolean, you can set its value to ____.
  27. Which statement is true of arrays?
  28. A ____ relates parallel arrays.
  29. Parallel arrays are most useful when value pairs have a(n) ____ relationship.
  30. A ____ search starts looking in the middle of a sorted list, and then determines whether it should continue higher or lower.
  31. To search an array for a(n) ____ match, you can store either the highest or lowest value of each range for comparison.
  32. Every array has a(n) ____ size.
  33. The number of bytes in an array is always a multiple of the number of ____ in an array.
  34. In every programming language, when you access data stored in an array, it is important to use a ____ containing a value that accesses memory occupied by the array.
  35. When a subscript is not within the range of acceptable subscripts, it is said to ____.

Questions: Review 6

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  1. The loop control variable is initialized after entering the loop.
  2. In some cases, a loop control variable does not have to … initialized.
  3. An indefinite loop is a loop that never stops.
  4. You can either increment or decrement the loop control variable.
  5. When one loop appears inside another is is … an indented loop.
  6. Forgetting to initialize and alter the loop control variable is a common mistake that programmers sometimes make.
  7. Every high-level computer programming language contains a while statement.
  8. Both the while loop and the for loop are examples of pretest loops.
  9. The safest action is to assign the value 1 to accumulators before using them.
  10. It is the programmer’s responsibility to initialize all variables that must start with a specific value.
  11. The first step in a while loop is typically to ____.
  12. Once your logic enters the body of a structured loop, ____.
  13. The last step in a while loop is usually to ____.
  14. (n) ____ loop executes a predetermined number of times.
  15. Many loop control variable values are altered by ____, or adding to them.
  16. A(n) ____ is any numeric variable you use to count the number of times an event has occurred.
  17. A loop within another loop is known as a(n) ____ loop.
  18. When one loop appears inside another, the loop that contains the other loop is ____ loop.
  19. Usually, when you create nested loops, each loop has its own ____.
  20. A mistake programmers often make with loops is that they ____.
  21. A mistake programmers often make with loops is that they ____.
  22. A comparison is correct only when the correct ____ and operator are used.
  23. Programmers use the term ____ to describe programs that are well designed and easy to understand and maintain.
  24. You usually use the for loop with ____ loops.
  25. The ____ loop provides three actions in one compact statement.
  26. The amount by which a for loop control variable changes is often ____ value.
  27. In a ____, the loop body might never execute because the question controlling the loop might … false the first time it is asked.
  28. In a ____, the loop body executes at least one time because the loop control variable is not tested until after one iteration.
  29. The ____ loop is particularly useful when processing arrays.
  30. A(n) ____ is very similar to a counter that you use to count loop iterations, except that you usually add a value other than one to this type of variable.
  31. ____ is a technique with which you try to prepare for all possible errors before they occur.
  32. Business reports that list only totals, with no individual item details, are ____.
  33. Loops are frequently used to ____; that is, to make sure it is meaningful and useful.
  34. Programmers employ the acronym ____ to mean that if your input is incorrect, your output is worthless.
  35. ____ a data item means you override incorrect data by setting the variable to a specific value.

Questions: Review 7

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  1. Every decision you make in a computer program involves evaluating a Boolean expression.
  2. In any Boolean expression, the two values compared can … either variables or constants.
  3. Any decision can … made using combinations of just two types of comparisons: equal and not equal.
  4. Most programming languages allow you to ask two or more questions in a single comparison.
  5. A short-circuit evaluation is where each part of an expression is evaluated only as far as necessary to determine whether the entire expression is true or false.
  6. When you need to satisfy two or more criteria to initiate an event in a program, you must make sure that the second decision is made entirely independently of the first decision.
  7. Besides AND and OR operators, most languages support a NOT operator.
  8. Most programming languages limit the number of AND and OR operators in an expression.
  9. When you combine AND and OR operators, the OR operators take precedence, meaning their Boolean values are evaluated first.
  10. You can use parentheses to override the default order of operations.
  11. A selection with an action that is associated with each of two possible outcomes is known as a(n) ____ selection.
  12. The keyword that is NOT included in a single-alternative selection is ____.
  13. Boolean expressions are named after ____.
  14. ____ operators require two operands.
  15. The ____ sign means “greater than.”
  16. Usually, ____ variables are not considered to … equal unless they are identical.
  17. When you ask multiple questions before an outcome is determined, you create a ____ condition.
  18. A(n) ____ decision is a decision in which two conditions must …. true for an action to take place.
  19. A series of nested if statements is also ____ if statement.
  20. Most languages allow you to use a variation of the decision structure ____ structure when you must nest a series of decisions about a single variable.
  21. Most programming languages allow you to ask two or more questions in a single comparison by using a(n) ____ operator that joins decisions in a single statement.
  22. For maximum efficiency, a good rule of thumb in an AND decision is to ____.
  23. ____ evaluation is when each part of an expression that uses an operator is evaluated only as far as necessary to determine whether the entire expression is true or false.
  24. When creating a truth table, you must determine how many possible Boolean value combinations exist for the conditions. If there are two conditions, ____ combinations will exist.
  25. In a truth table, the expression ____ is true.
  26. The conditional AND operator in Java, C++, and C# is ____.
  27. ____ are diagrams used in mathematics and logic to help describe the truth of an entire expression based on the truth of its parts.
  28. A(n) ____ decision is a decision in which at least one of two conditions must … true for an action to take place.
  29. In a truth table, the expression ____ is false.
  30. For maximum efficiency, a good rule of thumb in an OR decision is to ____.
  31. C#, C++, C, and Java use the symbol ____ as the logical OR operator.
  32. You use the logical ____ operator to reverse the meaning of a Boolean expression.
  33. You can perform a ____ by making comparisons using either the lowest or highest value in a range of values.
  34. When you combine AND and OR operators, the ____ operators take precedence,meaning their Boolean values are evaluated first.
  35. You can use ____ for clarity and to override the default order of operations.

Questions: Review 8

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  1. Structured programs use spaghetti code logic.
  2. In a selection structure, you perform an action or task, and then you perform the next action in order.
  3. Repetition and sequence are alternate names for a loop structure.
  4. In a structured program, any structure can … nested within another structure.
  5. A structured program must contain a sequence, selection, and loop structure.
  6. Because you may stack and nest structures while retaining the overall structure, it might … difficult to determine whether a flowchart as a whole is structured.
  7. As a general rule, an eof question should always come immediately after an input statement because the end-of-file condition will … detected at input.
  8. Structured programming is sometimes …. goto-less programming.
  9. No matter how complicated it is, any set of steps can always … reduced to combinations of the two basic structures of sequence and loop.
  10. The case structure is a variation of the sequence structure and the do loop is a variation of the while loop.
  11. Programs that use _____ code logic are unstructured programs that do not follow the rules of structured logic.
  12. With a(n) ____, you perform an action or task, and then you perform the next action, in order.
  13. The following pseudocode is an example of a ____ structure.
  14. The following pseudocode is an example of a ____ structure.
  15. Fill in the blank in the following pseudocode:
  16. if-else examples can also be ____ because they contain the action taken when the tested condition is true and the action taken when it is false.
  17. The following pseudocode is an example of a ____ structure.
  18. You may hear programmers refer to looping as ____.
  19. The action or actions that occur within a loop are known as a(n) ____.
  20. The following pseudocode is an example of ____.
  21. Attaching structures end to end is ____ structures.
  22. The following pseudocode is an example of ____.
  23. Placing a structure within another structure is ____ structures.
  24. You can use an ____ statement to clearly show where the actions that depend on a decision end.
  25. The maximum number of entry points that any programming structure can have is ____.
  26. A structured program includes only combinations of the three basic structures: ____.
  27. Structures can … stacked or connected to one another at their ____.
  28. A ____ read is an added statement that gets the first input value in a program.
  29. The priming read is an example of a(n) ____ task.
  30. In older languages, you could leave a selection or loop before it was complete by using a ____ statement.
  31. Structured programs can … easily broken down into routines or ____ that can be assigned to any number of programmers.
  32. One way to straighten out an unstructured flowchart segment is to use the ____ method.
  33. A loop must return to the ____ question at some later point in a structure.
  34. The do loop is a variation of the ____ loop.
  35. The case structure is a variation of the ____ structure.

Questions: Review 9

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  1. A variable can hold more than one value at any given moment in time.
  2. Because one memory location can … used repeatedly with different values, you can write program instructions once and then use them for thousands of separate calculations
  3. In many programming languages, if you declare a variable and do not initialize it, the variable contains an unknown value until it is assigned a value.
  4. Variable names can … more than one word with blanks between the words.
  5. The assignment operator has left-to-right-to-left associativity, which means that the value of the expression to the left of the assignment operator is evaluated first and that the result is assigned to the operand on the right.
  6. A string variable can hold digits such as phone numbers and zip codes.
  7. Programmers generally write programs as one long series of steps.
  8. Modularization makes it harder for multiple programmers to work on a problem.
  9. Program comments are a type of internal documentation.
  10. Most modern programming languages require that program statements … placed in specific columns.
  11. When you write programs, you work with data in three different forms: ____.
  12. A specific numeric value is often … a(n) ____.
  13. Fractional numeric variables that contain a decimal point are known as ____ variables.
  14. In most programming languages, before you can use any variable, you must include a ____ for it.
  15. The process of naming program variables and assigning a type to them is  ____ variables.
  16. A variable’s unknown value is commonly  ____.
  17. Declaring a starting value for a variable is known as ____ the variable.
  18. When the variable starts with a lowercase letter and any subsequent word begins with an uppercase letter, this is  ____.
  19. When the first letter of a variable name is uppercase, as in HourlyWage, the format is known as ____ casing.
  20. ____ is where a variable’s data type or other information is stored as part of the name.
    1. Hungarian notation
  21. The assignment operator is the ____ sign.
  22. A(n) ____ is similar to a variable, except it can … assigned a value only once.
  23. The ____ dictate the order in which operations in the same statement are carried out.
  24. Depending on the programming language being used, modules are also known as ____ .
  25. The process of breaking down a large program into modules is  ____.
  26. ____ is the process of paying attention to important properties while ignoring nonessential details.
  27. Programmers say the statements that are contained in a module have been ____.
  28. Programmers say that variables and constants declared within a module are ____ only within that module.
  29. ____ variables and constants are known to the entire program.
  30. The mainline logic of almost every procedural computer program consists of these three distinct parts: ____ .
  31. When a program has several modules calling other modules, programmers often use a program ____, which operates similarly to an organizational chart, to show the overall picture of how modules are related to one another.
  32. As programs become larger and more complicated, the need for good planning and
  33. design ____ .
  34. An ____ is most often represented by a three-sided box that is connected to the step it references by a dashed line.
  35. Programmers refer to programs that contain meaningful names as ____.
  36. A ____ variable is not used for input or output, but instead is just a working variable that you use during a program’s execution.

Questions: Review 10

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  1. Software can … classified into two broad types: application software and programming software.
  2. The heart of the programming process lies in planning the program’s logic.
  3. A(n) ____ is a program that you use to create simple text files.
  4. A(n) ____ is a repeating flow of logic with no end.
  5. If you use an otherwise correct word that does not make sense in the current context, programmers say you have committed a ____ error.
  6. ____ errors are relatively easy to locate and correct because the compiler or interpreter you use highlights every error.
  7. Every programming language has rules governing its word usage and punctuation.
  8. Computer programmers often refer to memory addresses using ____ notation.
  9. Once a program is completely coded, it is ready for a company or organization to use.
  10. The ____ is the standard terminal symbol for a flowchart.
  11. The process of finding and correcting program errors is ____.
  12. A(n) ____ is a software package that provides an editor, a compiler, and other programming tools.
  13. An infinite loop is a flow of program logic that repeats and never ends.
  14. The major difference between the two main programming styles in use today is the ____.
  15. A(n) ____ is a location on your computer screen where you type text entries to communicate with the computer’s operating system.
  16. Professional computer programmers write programs to satisfy their own needs.
  17. The ____ is used to represent output in a flowchart.
  18. A(n) ____ tells the user what to enter.
  19. Alan Turing is often regarded as the first programmer.
  20. Many programming languages use the term ____ to refer to the marker that is used to automatically recognize the end of data in a file.
  21. Programmers can use either procedural programming or object-oriented programming to develop programs.
  22. A(n) ___ is a named memory location whose value can vary.
  23. Before a programmer plans the logic of the program, he or she must ____.
  24. After a programmer plans the logic of a program, the next step is ____.
  25. A ____ allows users to interact with a program in a graphical environment.
  26. ____ data items may involve organizing or sorting them, checking them for accuracy, or performing calculations with them.
  27. Using ____ involves writing down all the steps you will use in a program.
  28. The process of walking through a program’s logic on paper before you actually write the program is  ____.
  29. The repetition of a series of steps is a(n) ____.
  30. Besides the popular, comprehensive programming languages such as Java and C++, many programmers use scripting languages such as Python, Lua, Perl, and PHP.
  31. Typically, a programmer develops a program’s logic, writes the code, and ____ the program, receiving a list of syntax errors.
  32. In a flowchart, the ____ is used to represent processing.
  33. After programs are put into production, making necessary changes is  _____.
  34. You represent a decision in a flowchart by drawing a decision symbol, which is shaped like a ____.
  35. A flowchart is an English-like representation of the logical steps necessary to solve a problem.

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