NR226 RUA: Clinical Concept Map


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NR226 RUA: Clinical Concept Map

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NR226 RUA: Clinical Concept Map

NR226  RUA: Clinical  Concept  Map
Required Uniform Assignment: Clinical  Concept  Map
This  assignment is  designed to  extend the  learner’s use  of  concept mapping as  a  tool  for  clinical  care planning. The nursing process contin ues to  provi de the  foundation for  organizing i nformation and thought, whereas the mappi ng becomes the  process for  i ntentio nal critical  thi nking and  clinical reasoning.
This  assignment enables the  student to meet  the  following course outcomes.
CO  1.  Demonstrate the  nursing  process  while  providing  basi c  care  to  i ndivi duals  and  families reflecting  different  stages  of  the  life  span  in  the  extended  care,  acute  care,  and  community ‐ based settin gs (PO#1).
CO 3. Demonstrate communi cation  skills  necessary for  interaction with  other health team
members and  for  providi ng basi c nursing care to  i ndivi duals and  families (PO#3).
CO 4.  Incorporate critical thinking skil ls  into cl inical nursing practi ce (PO#4).
Refer to  the  Course Cale ndar for  details. The  Late Assignment Policy  applies to  this  assignment.

NR226 RUA: Clinical Concept Map

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Choose an  individua l for  whom you  perform nursing care  in  the cli ni cal set ting. After performing a complete assessment of  the  person, create a  concept map. You will  use the  nursing process to  map your  findings, create and priori tize nursing diagnoses, plan  interventions , and  eval uate outcomes of those interventions. Use  at  l east two  published nursing references (other than  textbooks) to support your  plan of  care.
In  addition to  the  concept map and  in  relationship to  it,  you  will  submit a  one‐page refl ective paper that  addresses communication  and  safety and  infection control. Based on  your  cli ni cal  experi ence with the  person fo r  whom you  provided care, you will  reflect on  specif ic elements of  communi cation used duri ng your  i nteraction. Finally, you will  discuss issue s of  safety and  i nfec tion control related to  the care of  the  person.
Refer to  the  gradi ng rubric for  the  detailed expectations regarding content .
Toprepare  theconcept  map,you  may use anysoftware  of your choosing.  Yourtextbooks  and the Internetmay  offeraccess  to simple and freeconcept  mapcreation  tools. Although  you may select anyformat  for the assignment,  allaspects  of theassignment  must be included,  and theparts  ofthe  map must be clearly labeled.  There is also a concept map template located in the Unit 1 assignments page of this course. Be sure to check with your faculty on the preferred format/template

NR226 RUA: Clinical Concept Map

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