Nutritional Physiology: Symptoms of Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS)


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Nutritional Physiology: Symptoms of Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS)
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Nutritional Physiology assignment details
You are required to produce a one to two page handout/pamphlet which will be provided to people who have undergone gastrointestinal surgery to remove a significant section of the small
bowel. Specifically, the surgery will have removed part of the jejunum and ileum. The people
who receive the pamphlet are expected to make a full recovery post‐surgery however this will
take some time. They are NOT suffering from any disease/s that will impact their recovery or long term health (bowel cancer for example). They will, however, experience some symptoms of ‘short bowel syndrome’ (SBS) for three to four months post‐surgery.

Nutritional Physiology: Symptoms of Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS)
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The following points need to be covered in your handout/pamphlet (in any order you wish):
Normal bowel function and any expected differences to normal bowel function post‐surgery.
The expected symptoms of short bowel syndrome and potential impact/s on health.
Dietary (non‐clinical) recommendations for managing the symptoms of short bowel Syndrome.
Any potential short‐term vitamin and/or mineral deficiencies as a consequence of the surgery / SBS symptoms.
Your handout/pamphlet should have a logical flow, have a focus on readability and be written at a level that non‐health professionals will understand. The format of the handout/pamphlet is
completely up to you.

Nutritional Physiology: Symptoms of Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS)
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Please use a minimum of single line spacing and a minimum of 10 point font. You may include diagrams/pictures if you wish but you must not exceed the two page maximum (excluding the reference page). The reference page must be included as a THIRD page which lists the references used to produce the handout/pamphlet. This third page should be produced as per the referencing requirements below.
Do not cite references from internet sources (and that includes Wikipedia!) and non‐peer‐reviewed literature unless there is a strong reason to do so (such as websites from government departments or peak independent and reputable health bodies which contain original data or reports).
Referencing requirements

Nutritional Physiology: Symptoms of Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS)
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You are required to use the Vancouver referencing system for this assessment task. The Vancouver system uses in‐text numbering for each reference and a numerical order bibliography. The Vancouver system is by far the most common style used in scientific journals, and is also one of the simplest to use. The Vancouver system also assists with readability of text by not having paragraphs full of author names disrupting the flow of the text.
Use the Rubric to guide how much detail is expected for each section. The two page limit is a
maximum. Any pamphlet exceeding the page limit will be penalised to ensure equity in assessment of pamphlets between students as the marking criteria takes into account how much detail/depth could be realistically included in each part within the page limit. Any attempt to meet the page limit by reducing the line spacing or the font size beyond the minimum will also be penalised.
The penalty for exceeding page limit, line spacing or font size limits is 10 marks.
Marking criteria
The assessment will be marked according to the assessment rubric

Nutritional Physiology: Symptoms of Short Bowel Syndrome (SBS)
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