Online Ethics and Moral Theory ─ PHIL 2003


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Online Ethics and Moral Theory ─ PHIL 2003

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Write an essay on one of the three topics specified below, according to the following instructions.

Essay Topics

(1) Imagine that the economic well-being of Canada depends on the ability of Canadian corporations to sell industrial products to a small number of developing countries. In all of these countries it is virtually impossible to get business unless you bribe the right people within the local government. Even though officially illegal, bribing is a largely accepted cultural phenomenon. You have been recently appointed a special advisor to Canada’s International Trade Minister. You know that without the practice of bribing, Canadian corporations will lose business to competition. Tens of thousands of Canadian jobs are at stake. Will you advise the Minister to turn a blind eye on the deeply rooted practice of bribing? Why yes or why not?

   Online Ethics and Moral Theory ─ PHIL 2003

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(2) Until a few generations ago, there was a well-known custom in many communities in some developing countries, communities whose economy was based almost entirely on self-sufficient agriculture. At the age of 35 or so, a married couple which in most of the cases already had about 5-8 children ages 8 to 18, would decide to bring an old age child. The reason to give birth to this child was to ensure that he or she will take care of the parents when they reach old age and need assistance. The community did not offer social services or medical insurance and without an old age child, the parents would not be able to bear old age with dignity. Some old age children would never marry; his or her main preoccupation was to take care of their aging parents. Nevertheless, no one was complaining. This was an ancient, deeply rooted custom. Was the old age child custom morally justifiable? Why yes or why not?

   Online Ethics and Moral Theory ─ PHIL 2003

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(3) Imagine that several years from now you are working as a HR manager in Toronto Con, a large firm that employs about 250 employees. Among your responsibilities is firing people who breach the company’s code of conduct. Jim Challenge, who works on the “Toy-Safe” project, was late three times last month and as a result he is an obvious candidate to let go. It is under your discretion, however, to give him another chance, if you believe that at least on one occasion the lateness was beyond his control. Here are some additional facts. (1) Jim has not presented to you any kind of reasonable justification for any of his late appearances. (2) Jim’s work in the next couple of months is essential for the successful completion of the Toy-Safe project, which is the company’s high priority. 3) Jim is a brother of your spouse’s best friend, and your spouse expects you to give him another chance. Will you let Jim stay on the job? Why yes or why not?

   Online Ethics and Moral Theory ─ PHIL 2003

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Length The recommended length is 600 -750words. If you need more space, you may write up to 900 words but no more. The essay should be written in the following way.(1)In the first paragraph, you need to do two things. State your thesis, and the arguments that justify your answer. In other words, the first paragraph will be the outline of your essay. For example, if you choose topic 1, your thesis will be either “I will advise the Minister to turn a blind eye” or “I will advise the Minister not to turn a blind eye on bribing.” Please read carefully the document “How to Write the First Paragraph,” before you write the essay.(2)In the following paragraphs, carry on the plan from the first paragraph.(3)You need to use at least two arguments to justify your thesis. At least one of the arguments must be based on one of the moral theories that we will have learned by the time you write the essay.(4)If you present specific arguments that you found on the Internet or else where, you must clearly identify the source.(5)Each paragraph (except for the first) should talk about one argument (issue) only. Following this rule is likely to make a big difference.(6)If you have been told that your writing style requires improvement, you may wish to take advantage of the Writing Centre services. You may use the following link: APA Writing Style.

   Online Ethics and Moral Theory ─ PHIL 2003

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