Gibb’s Reflective Cycle


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Gibb’s Reflective Cycle


For this assignment you will work in a small group (subset) to analyse your chosen case study, but all of your work for the assignment must be individual.

The  assignment has two main parts, both of which must be passed:

Part 1: Case Study Analysis (Approx 2000 words, +/- 10%)


Part 2: Reflection on and analysis of your role within your subset’s team processes (Approx 1000 words, +/- 10%) use Gibb’s Reflective Cycle





With reference to your group’s chosen case study,analyse how effective working practices with other health and social care practitioners can be developed in order to ensure seamless health and social care for people with diverse needs.


In order to pass this assignment, you must address the following:

Outline and critically analyse the key issues relevant to the character you have focussed on in your case study, linking to all three key module themes –

  • Social Policy, Legislation and Guidance
  • Culture and Diversity
  • Teamwork and Interprofessional Working


Gibb’s Reflective Cycle

Link to relevant theory in relation to each of the three themes.

  • Identify and analyse two or three key health and social care policies/guidance/legislation relating to the needs of the character/s that you have chosen.
  • Sum up what you have learned from analysing the case study, and discuss how this will influence your future practice.
  • Analyse your role in working in a team within your subset, incorporating key concepts and theories that underpin effective partnerships and team working.  Discuss to what extent these concepts/theories were reflected in your work within your group.


Gibb’s Reflective Cycle

Part 1: Case Study Analysis (Approx 2000 words, +/- 10%):


Anelie (aged 36) and James (aged 40) have lived in a one-bedroomed first floor private rented flat which is in poor repair, close to a very busy road on the outskirts of the city for the past 4 ½ years.  They have a four year old daughter, Fatima, who has Downs Syndrome – Anelie gave up work to become a full time carer for Fatima after she was born.
James smokes an average of 20 cigarettes a day, and has smoked since he was 16 years old.   Anelie has encouraged him to smoke outside, as she is pregnant for the second time, and she is worried that passive smoking could affect the development of their new baby.  She has also encouraged James to stop smoking, but as yet he hasn’t sought any advice and he appears to be resistant to doing so.  She also worries because James has chronic asthma and Anelie

thinks that his smoking may aggravate this – he occasionally has moderate asthma attacks which Anelie thinks may be as a result of his smoking.

Anelie has become increasingly depressed since living in their home.  She feels that living so close to the main road, without any garden or nearby parks, is having a negative impact on her wellbeing.  She is considering contacting somebody to seek advice about her mental state, but she is worried as English is not her first language and she is worried that she won’t be able to express her feelings clearly.


Gibb’s Reflective Cycle


I researched this case study with a small group (subset) of five students representing different health and social care programmes, including Midwives, Adult Nursing, Mental health nursing and Social Work.  We decided to focus on James’s needs in relation to the three module themes;

  • Teamwork and Interprofessional Working
  • Social Policy, Legislation and Guidance
  • Culture and Diversity


I want to focus on his smoking among the other issues ie.

  • Housing issues/conditions.
  • 4 year old with Daughter syndrome.
  • Smoking -chronic asthma with moderate asthma attacks.
  • Pregnant wife ( Anelie) –passive smoking.
  • Cultural differences as English is not his wife’s first language



  Consider the issues arising from the case study in relation to:

  1. Relevant social policy

Evaluate the contribution of health, social and public health policies in addressing the diverse needs of individuals, groups or communities.

  • Alcock P (2006) Chapter 8 – Social Exclusion. Alcock P (2006)

Understanding Poverty. (3rd edition). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.


  • Alcock P (2008) Chapter 8 – The State. In:  Alcock P (2008)  Social     Policy in Britain (3rd edition) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan 



Gibb’s Reflective Cycle

  1. The needs of the individual client(s) you have chosen to focus on, taking into account issues relating to culture and diversity

Analyse the key concepts, values and ethos underpinning effective              partnerships and teamwork, and be able to discuss the implications for practice when caring for people at all stages of the lifespan

  • Papadopoulos I (2006) Chapter 2 – The Papadopoulos, Tilki and Taylor Model of developing cultural competence. In: Papadopoulos, I (Ed) (2006) Transcultural health and social care: development of culturally competent practitioners. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier



  • Team working – link to the professional codes represented by the students within your group – social worker, nurses and midwives.

Analyse their own contribution (personal and professional) when assessing the health and social care needs of an individual.

  • Day J (2006) Chapter 3 – Teams, teamwork and team dynamics In:                                   Day J (2006) Interprofessional Working: an essential guide for health                               and social care professionals. Cheltenham: Nelson-Thornes



Part 2: Reflection on and analysis of your role within your subset’s team processes. (Approx 1000 words, +/- 10%) use Gibb’s Reflective Cycle

Using Gibb’s reflective cycle I want to reflect   on an issue that arose when working together with my subset members as we researched for this case study analysis, focussing in particular on the topic of lack of communication within the team. There were 2 main issues that a consequence:-

  1. the elected person to chair one of the meetings didn’t turn up for the meeting with no apologies hence I was elected on the spot to do it.
  2. The team kept loosing it s members and only finding out later that they had left the course.


I will link to relevant theory on team working, and include a personal action plan, indicating what you have learned for your future practice from your experiences of working in a team within this module, showing how you will develop your practice in relation to team work. You need to:


Gibb’s Reflective Cycle

  • Analyse the key concepts, values and ethos underpinning effective partnerships and teamwork, and be able to discuss the implications for practice when caring for people at all stages of the lifespan;
  • Analyse the contribution of selected theories on interprofessional collaboration and teamwork to working effectively in partnership with others
  • Describe in detail the main characteristics of teams and examine the key processes involved in interprofessional team working;
  • Analyse the social influences that affect group behaviours and relate these to professional strategies for developing effective teamwork;

    Gibb’s Reflective Cycle

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