The Progressive Growth Of Poverty In America


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Reading Responses: The Progressive Growth Of Poverty In America Book Review

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Here is the link of this reading:
Read: Introduction and Chapter 1 in $2 a Day by Edin & Schaefer and response the following questions In 2 double-spaced pages!
A) Identify 2 important findings or main points the author(s) discuss in the reading, B) Why are these two findings important to the wider society as a whole? What are the implications of these findings? C) One concept you’d like to question the author about or would like to know more about.
Grading Rubric for Reading Responses:
A) Identify 2 important findings or main points the author(s) discuss in the reading.

Reading Responses: The Progressive Growth Of Poverty In America Book Review

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Worth 4 points: Students should pick out two central concepts, points, or findings rather than ancillary points.
B) Why are these two findings important to the wider society as a whole? What are the implications of these findings?
Worth 6 points: This should be the majority of the response. Students should discuss these two points in more depth and you can also bring in content from the lecture material, but this is not required. Students should expound upon why these two points are important to society or the implications of these points. For example, how do these issues not only affect the very poor but everyone else in society as well? You can talk about policy, or how these issues affect other institutions in society. It should not be your opinion only. It should be based on other sociological or social science content. If it seems like you are writing simply a chapter summary, the response will be docked by at least 2-3 points.
C) One concept you’d like to question the author about or would like to know more about.
Worth 2 points: Students should come up with a relevant question or issue/concern that is tied to the reading. It should be something not directly answered by the authors already. The question or issue would ideally be something that would spark discussion in class.

Reading Responses: The Progressive Growth Of Poverty In America Book Review

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Worth 4 points: Students should pick out two central concepts, points, or findings rather than ancillary points.
B) Why are these two findings important to the wider society as a whole? What are the implications of these findings?
Worth 6 points: This should be the majority of the response. Students should discuss these two points in more depth and you can also bring in content from the lecture material, but this is not required. Students should expound upon why these two points are important to society or the implications of these points. For example, how do these issues not only affect the very poor but everyone else in society as well? You can talk about policy, or how these issues affect other institutions in society. It should not be your opinion only. It should be based on other sociological or social science content. If it seems like you are writing simply a chapter summary, the response will be docked by at least 2-3 points.
C) One concept you’d like to question the author about or would like to know more about.
Worth 2 points: Students should come up with a relevant question or issue/concern that is tied to the reading. It should be something not directly answered by the authors already. The question or issue would ideally be something that would spark discussion in class.

Reading Responses: The Progressive Growth Of Poverty In America Book Review

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