RES 811 Module 1 DQ


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RES 811 Module 1 DQ

RES 811 Module 1 DQ 1


RES 811 Module 1 DQ. Congratulations on being accepted to Grand Canyon University’s doctoral program! This is a big step in your academic career and you should be very proud. Recently, you wrote a letter of intent to the Doctoral College expressing your research interests. For this first discussion question, please share your passion and motivation by discussing the currently planned topic or research interest you would like to pursue.

How did your passion lead you to this topic or interest? How will that passion sustain you through your doctoral journey? Please include material from your letter of intent if you choose. (This response does not require research support.)

RES 811 Module 1 DQ 2

RES 811 Module 1 DQ

Many learners approach a doctoral program with great enthusiasm. However, enthusiasm and passion alone do not guarantee success. Often, learners want to begin the research process immediately without the proper skills in place to be successful. Although, passion is necessary, it is important that all learners develop a plan of action in order to be successful. All learners must make a transition from being a student completing assignments into a self-directed researcher. This requires students to be self-directed, to engage in reflective scholarly practice, and to be receptive to feedback and critique from peers and faculty.

How do these three practices support your development of a doctoral identity? What potential challenges to do you foresee with incorporating these practices into your routine? What adjustments will you need to make in order to overcome these challenges? (This response does not require research support.)

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