RES 811 Module 4 DQ


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RES 811 Module 4 DQ

RES 811 Module 4 DQ 1


RES 811 Module 4 DQ. While Caffarella and Barnett (2000) indicate that critique is the most influential element in helping learners produce a better writing product, critique can be an emotional event. Cameron, Nairn, and Higgins (2009) note that it proved helpful in their workshops to discuss the emotions that emerged as students prepared to give and receive feedback. What is the role of critique in the development of a researcher and scholar? In what ways can it positively contribute to a learner’s academic success? In what ways can it have a negative effect?

RES 811 Module 4 DQ


RES 811 Module 4 DQ 2


How do the voice and tone of doctoral writing differ from the voice and tone of writing at other academic levels? Explain your view. What are some ways that voice and tone can enhance the scholarly image of your writing? Explain. (This response does not require research support.)

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