RES 811 Module 7 DQ


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RES 811 Module 7 DQ

RES 811 Module 7 DQ 1


RES 811 Module 7 DQ. Doctoral learners becoming researcher/scholars must be able to produce original, written academic works and to evaluate the calibre and originality of their writing and the writing of others. At the same time, all research has its foundation in other research. How can you as a doctoral level researcher balance producing your own original research with recognizing and crediting the works you use as your research foundation?


RES 811 Module 7 DQ 2

RES 811 Module 7 DQ

GCU places great importance on academic integrity based in the Christian worldview. How will you go about utilizing sound habits and behaviors to prevent plagiarism, intentional or unintentional, in your coursework, doctoral writing, and ultimately your dissertation research? What temptations might doctoral students encounter that would challenge their ethics? How does your worldview influence your adherence to academic integrity?

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