SMGT200 The Career Profile Project


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 SMGT200 The Career Profile Project

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SMGT200 The Career Profile Project: The Career Profile Project is a way for you to focus on a specific segment of the Sport Management industry.

The Career Profile Project is a way for you to focus on a specific segment of the Sport Management industry. You should come away with an idea of what the requirements, duties and qualifications are for a specific position in sports. You must select a career position from the business, operations, or coaching side of sport. Potential positions are Coach, Athletic Director, Sales Manager, Communications Director, Facility Manager, Marketing/Promotions Director, Box Office Manager, etc. (Keep in mind, these are not all of the potential positions you may choose from, and organizations may use different titles). The Career Profile Project will consist of multiple parts:

Athletic Director is the Career profile that I have selected.

Title Page (1 page)

Job Description (1 full page). This will include the following:
Job title
Your own description of the job components or duties utilizing multiple sources
Your own description of the qualifications for the position (experience, certifications, specific skills, etc.) using multiple sources
Salary range (if it can be found)

 SMGT200 The Career Profile Project

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Job Setting (2 full pages). This will include:
Brief description of a relevant news story involving someone in this position
Relevant Sport Management information: (How does this position incorporate information related to at least 2 of the 5 functional areas of sport management: Management, Marketing, Finance, Law, and Ethics)
Biblical integration: In what ways can specific biblical principles be intentionally applied within this position?

Research Connection (2 full pages)
Make a connection between this position, and academic research that someone in this position would find informative and/or useful. Your source must be a full peer-reviewed journal article. See the Jerry Falwell Library website for useful information on finding and using peer-reviewed journal articles. The library maintains a useful collection of databases specifically for Sport Management students to assist them in finding these sources.
Half of this section should be a summary of the key information in the source. The remaining half of this section should be an application of that material.

Personal Mission Statement (1 full page). This will include:
Your 1-5 year goals
Your 5-10 year goals
A realistic action plan for achieving your goals

Resume (1 page) Note: See the LU Career Center’s website for more information on building a resume. This will include the following:
Contact Information and personal objective
Educational Background
Work Experience (include a desired internship, plus any real work experience you have, even if it is not directly related)
Related personal information/skills that connect to the desired position

 SMGT200 The Career Profile Project

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The Personality Profile (1 full page) will be a look at someone who is currently in this type of a position, or in a closely related position. It is intended to be a biographical sketch including:
The person’s name and background
How he/she achieved their current position
Any advice or insight you can receive from them. You are strongly encouraged to personally interview someone, if possible. Why not build your network?!

The Reference List using APA format for all citations. A peer-reviewed source is required for the Research Connection. Sources are also required for the Job Description, Job Setting, and Personality Profile. You may use the textbook, magazines, the internet, personal interviews, etc. but please be sure to cite everything you use. A minimum of five sources are required.

Format: The Profile should be a minimum of 8 pages for the body of the paper. The Title Page and Reference List do not count toward the minimum page count. The Profile should have one inch margins on all sides, 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with the exception of the resume, which may be in an acceptable resume format. You may use first person writing style (I, me) for this paper. The Career Profile is to be submitted in Blackboard via SafeAssign. All work is to be your own; the University’s Honor Code applies.

This assignment is due by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Monday of Module/Week 6.


 SMGT200 The Career Profile Project

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