SPC 301 Reaction Paper 3


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SPC 301 Reaction Paper 3
You have three options for your topic for this assignment. Remember that you are to write about only one of the options. Read each topic carefully and then choose the one you can best explain. For this assignment you need to make clear and direct connections between the theory from the textbook and class discussions and the ideas you present in the paper. Be very sure that you use information about critical approaches to organizational communication to support your ideas. I expect to see more than just your opinions. The general directions apply to this assignment, so you may want to reread them to remind yourself of those expectations.
This week’s options are general prompts that relate to ideas in Chapter 6. Each prompt contains a series of questions, but those questions, much like the questions related to any case studies we have used, are NOT meant to become your main ideas. They are meant to suggest areas of thought for you to consider as you think about the topic and determine what your thesis will be. Don’t simply try to answer the questions. Some may be relevant to the idea that becomes your focus, but others won’t. Don’t settle for the first idea that occurs to you; it often isn’t the best one. Think more carefully and generate several options so you can choose the best one.
As you work on the assignment, keep in mind that there is no one right way to structure these papers; just keep in mind that you are writing a formal academic essay. These directions are the constraints; use your own thinking and understanding of the material to bring in the creativity. BUT remember the balance of the two that is so important. You shouldn’t ignore the constraints, but you shouldn’t limit yourself to them and ignore the creativity.

1.    Consider how ideology and its four functions have affected people’s understanding of various jobs and careers. Because ideologies are often subtle, they can easily been seen simply as what is normal and natural. How do you see this power in the workplace? How have gendered ideologies created expectations about certain careers and the people who should pursue that career? What effects, good and bad, do these expectations have on career choices people make, on hiring in organizations, and on promotions within organizations?

2.    In today’s organizations, employers are using more and more technological ways to create a panopticon. Some of their actions are overt, and employees know about them. Others though are covert, hidden from the employees. What effects do these types of surveillance have on employees? Why do organizations engage in these activities? How ethical are they? How do knowledge management systems contribute to this surveillance? What issues of privacy are relevant in these situations?

3.    One way organizations continue their systems and structures is through forms of social legitimation, concertive control and manufactured consent. Social legitimation is subtle and therefore exercises more influence than employees may notice. How can employees become more consciously aware of these forms of power and control? Once the employees are aware, what resistance can they employ to attempt to alter the situation? Why are these two forms of social legitimation so difficult to counteract? What risks do employees take if they choose to engage in resistance? What positive changes might they be able to achieve?

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