Week 8 Discussion: Ohio Lottery


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Week 8 Discussion: Ohio Lottery

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The Discussions are graded discussions assigned in weeks 2, 4, 6, and 8. The discussion questions are based upon a different case study each week and analyze the case scenario/research through a series of questions. The overall structure of each case is similar in that each case begins with an abstract followed by a description of the scenario/research and concludes with a discussion about the situation. The discussion board forum is simply a series of unique questions about each case scenario that you will answer as part of the discussion forum. Each discussion forum consists of 2 parts: part 1 is an individual post responding to all the case study questions due on Thursday of the assigned week and part 2 is at least 2 individual response posts due by the end of the assigned module.
As you work on these discussions, remember the Liberty University Online Honor Code. You should resist the temptation to review your classmates work or use it to help you before submitting your own. These approaches violate the Liberty University Online Honor Code, as would reviewing work from the Internet or other sources; you must answer the questions on your own.

The Discussion Cases can be found in McGraw Hill Connect or through this web address (http://highered.mheducation.com/sites/1259918939/student_view0/cases.html)
The questions for each Discussion can be found as follows:

Module 2: Week 2 Discussion: A GEM of A Study (see case page 4)
Module 4: Week 4  Discussion: State Farm Dangerous Intersections (see case page 4)
Module 6: Week 6 Discussion: Akron’s Children’s Hospital Part A (see case page 3)
Module 8: Week 8 Discussion: Ohio Lottery (see case page 5)

Week 8 Discussion: Ohio Lottery

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Part 1: Individual post
The primary goal of the individual post is to thoroughly answer each of the case study questions. Some answers may require a paragraph-style response, whereas others will be best answered with a table or bulleted points. Use the response style that is most appropriate to answer the individual question while ensuring the following are met:
1) Each individual post will consist of 800 – 1000 words that answer all the assigned case study questions, include 1 biblical application/integration (no more than 10% of the total response) and across all the questions use at least 5 different peer reviewed sources.
2) Each case has multiple questions and each question response must be supported with at least 1 peer-reviewed source.
3) Use proper grammar and current APA format.
4) Do not submit the discussion posts as Microsoft Word documents. Instead post the primary content of your posts into the body of the discussion area since opening files is an inconvenience when the same information can be reviewed within the discussion.


1. What are the independent and dependent variables in this study?
2. What are some of the intervening, extraneous, and moderating variables that the study attempted to control with its 10-nation design?
3. Can you do a causal study without controlling intervening, extraneous, and moderating variables?
4. What is the impact on study results of using national experts (key informants) to identify and weigh entrepreneurial framework conditions?
5. Can you do a causal study when much of the primary data collected is descriptive opinion and ordinal or interval data?

Submit your Part 1 individual response by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday of the respective discussion


Week 8 Discussion: Ohio Lottery

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