Ethical Dilemmas in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy


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What are the most typical ethical dilemmas that arise in using Cognitive behaviour therapy

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PYH402 Case Study Assignment

“The case of ________: A critical analysis using_______”

3000-4500 words        Weighting: 50% Final Grade

This assignment allows you to select and show the application of one of the counselling orientations by developing an imaginary therapy with a client (client scenario attached). You are asked to choose one (Cognitive behaviour therapy) of the counselling orientations covered in the unit and then outline and critically examine how it might be specifically applied to the hypothetical client scenario provided to you. You will be given some initial information about a client and asked to describe an imaginary therapy that you might conduct with this client using Cognitive behavior therapy. You are also asked to explain and argue a case for using Cognitive behavior therapy for working with this client by critically comparing its application with  interpersonal therapy.

Based on the information in the hypothetical client scenario provided, you are asked to imagine how both your work and the therapeutic process with this client might unfold across

3-6 sessions using Cognitive behaviour therapy. You will “fill in the gaps” and add information as you write your account of the way you applied Cognitive behaviour therapy with this client across the imaginary sessions. While there is obviously no one correct direction that any of the models would take, you must base your ongoing strategy on the client information given or any additional information that you supply. You are then asked to critically reflect upon Cognitive behaviour therapy and compare it with how you imagine the employment of interpersonal therapy might have worked out in clinical practice with this client.

Ethical Dilemmas in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

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Though the assignment allows a degree of freedom in terms of what is emphasised, and how it is organised within sections, your assignment must be organised under the following headings:

Major concepts and practices of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
Application of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to the case
Strengths and limitations of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in relation to the case
Critical comparison of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy with interpersonal therapy

You will notice that these headings align with a criteria sheet (Criteria attached).  Please use the criteria sheet as a guide to help inform the structure and scope of your paper.

When writing the case study, it will also be helpful to pay some attention to the questions/issues below. You might not answer all of these, but make sure you consider each of the headings, and use the questions as prompts to guide you when thinking about the case.
Theoretical/philosophical ideas

What are the key ideas and assumptions underlying Cognitive behaviour therapy? How were they applied in this particular case? How did Cognitive behaviour therapy conceptualize the issue? What issues of power, ethics or values might have been relevant in these conceptualizations?

Ethical Dilemmas in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

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Relevant Skills and Techniques

What were the major skills and techniques used in Cognitive behaviour therapy? How did they produce change? What was the contribution of the specific methods to the overall impact of  Cognitive behaviour therapy?

Approach to assessment and intervention

What kind of emphasis does your Cognitive behaviour therapy place on assessment? Based on the information available, what kind of questions and procedures seemed most appropriate? How were these implemented and what emerged? How did what emerged and the evolving therapeutic process influence your ongoing intervention strategies? How did you decide on a direction for the therapy? Identify other directions that could have been taken within the same model.

Working Alliance with the Client

What principles and approaches characterised your counselling relationship and interactions with the client?

Progress and Outcome

What could be expected to be achieved in 3-6 sessions using your chosen orientation? What actually happened? Were there any significant turning points or unexpected events? At the conclusion of therapy, what progress had been made, and what would you recommend for the future? What direction would future work need to take to enable the client to progress further?

PYH402 Therapy using CBT

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Relevant Research

Based on your reading and experience, what would be the most relevant way to evaluate the efficacy of Cognitive behaviour therapy in your situation? To what extent was Cognitive behaviour therapy based in sound research? How significant was this for you, as a practitioner?

Ethical dilemmas

What are the most typical ethical dilemmas that arise in using Cognitive behaviour therapy or with the particular kind of issue you are working with? To what extent did these arise in your work with the client, and how were they addressed?

Possible Limitations

What might be missing from the therapeutic orientation that informed your approach to work with this client? Under what circumstances would you consider trying another approach, either within the same model or beyond it? Facing a similar situation in the future, would you recommend anything different?

PYH402 Therapy using CBT

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Critical Comparison and Basis for Choice

When you imagine using one of the other orientations for your work with this client, what factors most influence your choice of a preferred orientation? What criteria were of most personal significance for you? Critically compare Cognitive behaviour therapy with Interpersonal therapy, briefly setting out how it would have approached the case differently, and indicating the basis of your preference.

Style and Formatting

Write your assignment in the past tense, as though you were looking back on the case and describing how you proceeded from the first session of this imagined therapy. Refer to yourself in the third person either using your own name (e.g., “Jane”) or “the therapist”.

When submitting your assignment, clearly indicate on the title page the name of the orientation you have selected for your main analysis (i.e., cognitive-behavioural therapy). Although this paper is based partly on your personal responses, preferences, constructions and reflections – it is also an academic paper and relevant literature should be cited and must be referenced in APA (7th edition) format.

Ethical Dilemmas in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

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