Mkt 520 managing product and service innovation


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Mkt 520 managing product and service innovation

Innovation web page
Value: 10%
TaskYour task is to create a webpage or Blog (you may use Padlet, WordPress, or Prezi)  that very clearly and concisely reports on selected aspects of the innovation capabilities of the organisation you are critically evaluating in Assessment 2.You should include relevant information on your organisation and present three issues that you are focusing on in your written report and explain their importance to your chosen organisation. Consider whether any/all of your three identified issues are shaped by the context of your organisation- its size, types of products, types of consumers, nature of the industry etc.

Mkt 520 managing product and service innovation

Your webpage should be visually appealing. Consider how you can use multimedia (including images, charts or diagrams, videos and more) to represent your ideas or key issues clearly and concisely, but without oversimplifying NPD concepts. Your page should be informative and engaging, structured clearly to make it attractive and easily understandable by your audience.

Your webpage should stand-alone from your written report (Assessment 2), which is to be submitted at a later date. Referencing should be APA Style. Your reference list can be a created as a link from you main web page.

Submission details
Email the URL of your page (or submitted to your Prezi, or Padlet)
At our in class sessions during week 5 you will be allocated 5 minutes to talk through what you have prepared (similar to a poster presentation at conferences). Then we will have 5 minutes of questions.

Mkt 520 managing product and service innovation


This task ensures that you get to share your workplace learning and observe challenges in innovation management in a diverse range of organisations. You will also learn to use Padlet – a tool that allows you to create and share your and enhance your digital literacy.
This task aligns with subject learning outcomes 1 and 2:
to be able to critically reflect on the role of innovation in organisations and the challenges companies face in new product development.
to be able to synthesise innovation literature to develop a theoretical framework for use in an audit of innovation practices of a specific organisation and make recommendations for improvement

Mkt 520 managing product and service innovation

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